Will Day 3 Be Any Easier?

The Na hotline was closed, does anyone have things that helped with going to sleep, or the naseau or the pain. I am taking advil and sitting in hot baths. This is day 2, when does it get easier. I just want to die
I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. I am on day 9. I started feeling better on day 4. I didn't sleep at all the first 3 nights. What I did at night was get a few movies, turn out the lights and just tried to make time pass. As far as nausea, I had it big time. The one thing that helped me was dramamene. I only had to take it one night because I was throwing up. I really think if you can stick it out one more night, you will finally get some sleep. You may even sleep tonight, everyone's different. But I promise it does get a little better each day. I'll say a prayer for you tonight.

This may sound silly,but what does help a little is takn 6 2mg.tabs of Immodium.It helps a little with your stomach and has a small amount of what u need.Take that motrin!! Valerian is a herb stress reliever for sleep,melatonin too.They r mild but work.Take vit b as well for energy.I know it sucks,but do it! Its worth it,Im goin on three wks now.My sleep is still hard but gotta do it.
Hello Gracie,

I wish I could say you are going to feel great but I can't, everybody is different.

I just found the post of OTC or Over the Counter meds and stuff that you should read and have you hubby go out and get for you.

I posted to you this morning that you should also get Slim Fast or Enchure. Both have a lot of calories, you need food now. You have got to force yourself to eat. You have also got to drink lots and lots of water. The water pees the pills out and re-hydrates you.

Hot baths will relax your muscles so you can get some sleep. A nice warm bath just helps all around. I have read here where people took 5 and 6 baths a day.

Do everything you can not to think about what you are going through (yeah, easier said than done). Just accept that you feel like crap, thats all you can do.

You have come so far! The bad part will be over soon I promose.


Imodium defiantly works...look at the list Catherine bumped up for over the counter meds. Don't take all of them of course but there is some excellent relief there. I know I needed that list.

Banana's really too, they are loaded with potassium..your body has been depleted and is full of toxins..to get all that gunk out of your system is such a relief.
Kee Kee and Gracie,

Banannas really helped me!!!! I didn't want to say it. I don't want to "mis-guide" anyone. My body was so straved for nutrition I thought it was just me.

Gracie get some banannas!!!!

Oh yes...natures almost perfect food! During w/d...helped my tummy feel better as well. I used to cut them up and pour milk over them with a tiny bit of honey!

They are really loaded with potassium!! Make you feel good. Big hugs and keep it up.
okay thanks