Withdrawal Symptoms,how Long And What Are They

Can someone please give me more info on going c/t? I have been taking lortab 10 everyday for the past 18 months...i have only had very mild withdrawal from going a whole day only having one. how long does withdrawal ususally last?
Withdrawal usually lasts 3-7 days. It feels like a bad flu..diarhea, nausea, restless legs, aches and pains. Some get very tired, some get insomnia. But then it's over. I believe that usually Post Acute Withdrawal (PAWS) in a week or two. That's usually depression and anxiety but with a program it can be beat. Do you have any plans on what you will do when the pills get out of your system? Therapy? 12 Step?
Hi mom,

Withdrawal symptoms are different for everyone. I mean the duration, strength. As many people that are w/d'ing are as many different symptoms you will get.

If you are having only mild w/d's...consider yourself lucky and ditch the rest of your pills and go to work on staying CLEAN. Quitting and w/d really suck, but the most powerful part of recovery is staying that way. You have to put some structures in place that help and prevent you from relapse. Take it from me...I relapsed many many times before finally figuring out that addiction is alot more complicated than I gave it credit for.

I thought that once I stopped taking the pills that I would be fine...cured....done. SO NOT true!! Please seek out some support, either private counseling or therapy...have you tried a 12 step program? I learned so much there about addiction. This disease has been in my life for years and years. So many in my circle of friends and family are afflicted.....you have nothing to lose by going and everything to gain. If you opt not to go for whatever reason, you should at least find a Doctor and or therapist that you can confide in. Educate yourself about addiction,

Quitting is the easy part. It would seem that way for you...if you are having mild w'/d...what will stop you from going down this road again?

Glad you are here, keep posting and good luck!
What is the deal with restless legs during withdrawal, I get them so bad that I wanna cut my legs off. It drives me insane. I could deal with all the other crap, but that damn restless legs is completely awful!!!!
I am new here. I have been reading some of the posts and they all sound so familiar. I have had so many relapses that I lost count. As soon as the pain would hit, I would call the doc and ask for more pills. I am clean for 2 whole days. I went through this several years ago. Nasty withdrawals from migraine medication. For 2 weeks I was miserable. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't function. Couldn't even take my kids out trick or treating. I was clean from pain killers for 5 months. I thought I had beaten it. Then the pain came back and I just couldn't take it. After that, I had been receiving prescriptions and going back and forth with withdrawals and then giving in and ordering off the internet so that I wouldn't feel terrible. A few months ago, my addiction came to an all time head. I was having such terrible withdrawals, I was suicidal. My husband, who is deployed at the current time, had to come home on emergency leave. I thought I had all my friends fooled about my addiction. I was turning into a person I, or they, didn't even know. My husband was really tough on me and I quit cold turkey for 2 weeks. He returned back to Afghanistan and a week later, I was seeking out the drugs. I am tired of the merry go round as someone so eloquently put it. I agree about the withdrawals. I can't sleep. I hate that. That to me, is the worst part of withdrawal. Instead of restless legs, mine are in my arms. I can't even take benadryl to help, because it exacerbates the restlessness. Oh, and I can't tell my husband about my relapse because he has threatened to take the kids away from me and leave me. I have been lying to him. I have to clean and sober before he gets home. This is the 5th deployment in 6 years. I need people to talk with that know exactly how I feel. Any encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!