
hi guys, my sister had admitted to abusing t3, percecet, oxy,muscle relaxers, she was tapering (help of hubby)and now is on day 4 with nothing. yesterday, she called me in tears saying she was feeling really sick and my mom said she looked like hell.but lastnight she sounded ok(good) actually. too good. can withdrawl symptoms come and go like that.she was up to she says 8 oxy's day so you know that means a few more.we've been trying to get her into a detox center but she doesn't want to go,she doesn't want to leave her kids. yesterday she brought kids to my moms.but still doesn't want detox. i think hubby is in denial,i really believe that he thinks because she carries a pradda purse she is not that bad. i believe an addict is an addict, regardless if your have hit rock bottom, or you wear a guchii watch. please let me know your opinion on this. all of you have been a great help with my questions.thank you for that. i never ever in my life ever thought i would have to go through the pain of watching someone i love abuse meds..it really hurts that i cant really help her she needs to be the one to seek the help..
concerned sister,you're so right,she's the only one that can do this,being there for her when that time comes will be very much needed.I have been clean 2 months but my sister is still using,and ive just let her know i will be here when shes ready.Its hard to sit back and feel so helpless.

And to answer your question,WD's do vary from day to day,but in the first week or two,its a constant,i tend to think she couldnt go from one day looking like pure he**,to being perfectly fine the next(in just a 4 day period),but i could be wrong.Everybody is different.

I sympathize with you and your family,just continue to let her know you'll help with the kids or whatever is needed and hopefully she will be ready soon.Good luck~KIM
hi kim, thanks for the reply. congrats to you on 2 mths clean. do you mind telling me your doc?your right i do feel helpless. she says she wants help but why wouldn't she just go to detox????????at least in there she will be given the tools to deal with issues without the self medicating.she has been using to escape.i've told her getting off the pills will be the easier part. staying off them is what is going to be tough.when we call her hubby says everything is fine, she's fine. how in the hell can she be fine?????he needs to step up to the plate and tell her he cannot help her anymore she needs prof help to deal with the question How did i get here!!!!!!!good luck with your sister.
Concerned sister,I went cold turkey and I am 30 days today of off lortab 10mgs at 10 to 14 a day..I had pure hell days and some good ones for the first couple of weeks.I know its hard to believe whats she is doing it but you have to just take everything for whats it is worth and pray that she is doing as she says she is doing.Its hard but only time will tell.God bless and yours..........Jessica
Thanks,i do worry about my sister too,alot.I was taking norcos(hydro 10/325)anywhere from 10-14 a day,for almost a year and a half.My sister who is much younger than me has been using for quite a few years and takes alot more than that,it really is scary.I can imagine you must feel so frustrated with your BIL. I know for me,if i didnt have my husband,supporting me all the way,telling me i can do it,that i dont need them pills,holding my hand while i cry,consoling me when i felt like dying,i could never ever have done it.My poor sister will not even tell her boyfriend of 6 years,she says he would leave her and never understand,i feel if she could open up to him,maybe then she could quit?But...the truth is..you never know how others are going to react.She may be right,her BF might leave her,but whats the alternative?Death? Do you think its possible your BIL is right,that they do have things under control?That hes getting her the help she needs?That she has been clean for the 4 days ?Its so hard to try and help if you are basically being told you're not needed& they can handle it.Still,i dont think i would ever give up,i woudl continue to talk to your sister,i do mine,i told her about this board,she was hesitant,came once and posted once,and that was it.She felt like a hypocrite because she was still using.Its a tough situation all the way around,isnt it?I hope and pray your sister does make it,and mine too some day.~KIM
Hi worried sister and you should be .you say shes taking 8 oxys a day but what dose theres 10s 20s 40s 80s I Am an oxy addict I was taking and chewing 10 to 12 80s a day when i quit and the first time I quit myself I was violently ill for at least 5 days throwing up shaking weak ther is no way on day 4 that i was dying in the morning and ok at night no way.I ended up relapsing. This time I went to mt doctor told him everything and with his help im almost 3 weeks clean that might not sound like much to you but believe me its huge for me but the only reason I have come this far is because i surrendered to the fact that I have no control over my use and wanted out so badly that I seeked help.This is what your sister has to do .Tell her not to be ashamed to seek help from her doctor he will help her get through it .Kinda sounds like shes still using to me and her husband is covering for her. good luck Tracey
What did your doctor do for you to help you got thru the withdrawl from the OC's? I'm going thru a simulair problem myself, but I kind of have to keep it a secret...it's complicated and I don't want to post it for all to see. Did he give you suboxone or some other med to help?
A lot of oxycontin will fit into a Prada handbag.
Addiction has no boundries.Its an equal oppurtunity destroyer.
She is going to be very sick for about 3-4 days.The only non-phrameuctical treatments are Immodium for diahrea and stomach problems,hot baths to alleviate sore muscles and cramps, and maybe benadryl to help with sleep and restless leg syndrome.Drink lots of water or gatorade.
She probably could get the help of an MD that specializes in addiction.They would probably prescribe clonidine and a long acting benzo to help with the anxiety.That needs to be done under medical suppervision.
C/T detox is a waiting game.It does get better but can be a frightning experience.Its not life threatning.Relapse is usually high during this time because one gets really miserable and the only thing that can take it away is an opiate.It sounds like she is not hurting so I would suggest a hospitalized detox where they can monitor everything.
No sorry hun I live in Canada no sub here yet He gave me valuim for the first few days then he gave me colonsepam spelled that wrong sorry and i see him every few days not taking anything now see him tommorrow again oh ya immodium for the runs It wasnt a cakewalk but it was much better than when i tried to do it myself I ended up relapsing anxiety really got me .this time with doc better.and I really wanted off of them taking way to many nevermind the financial situation ive got myself in over those satanic pills.Im feeling a little down today and yesterday but im clean and thats worth everything to me .Oh ya he also has me on a mild ad elovil. Just taking the ad now .he watching me closely no more valuim or anything like that now dont wanna make new problems he says and i dont need them now anyway they served there purpose .Good Luck and dont be scared get help now .Tracey