I felt the need o come on just to make sure that if you did not know the dangers of swallowing crack cocaine.My friend was selling drugs(bad choices) and was stopped by the police saturday morning. out of fear of being arrested he swallowed almost an ounce of crack cocaine. He called me to come get him as he was sick. Against my better judgement i did not call ems at that time. I gave him syrup of ipecac to induce vomitting. He threw up several times and then complained of a stomach ache. I thought he was hurting from throwing up so much. I gave him 2 tylenol pm and told him to go to sleep. He laid down and 3 minutes later starting have a voilent seizure where every muscle in his body locked up and i struggled to get him on side.i called ems and while on the phone he went into another seizure. After ems got there he vomited again and then began halucinating and fighting us. He was not the person i knew. I saw fear in his eyes.afte rgetting to E.R. he had more eizures and halucinations and had to be put in restraints. Had to be medicated severely for several days. now, he is release from hospital and on seizure meds for an indefinite period of time. He has permanant menory loss because part of his brain was fried from the seizures. We can be talking and an hour later he will not remember the conversation. It is very sad and probably the most traumatic thing i have ever experienced, especially as i am a recovering crack addict of 9 yrs. I just needed to share this with people. It is so important to be educated. Even if you are not using if you are holding..if it gets in your bloodstream you can have seizures and die. He is lucky to be alive...but unlucky as his life...his mind....is changed forever.
Thanks for listening,
Wow sorry to hear about your friend! My boyfriend used to deal too and swallowed and he got sick from it too but nothing really bad happened to him.
I knew a guy whose dealer sold him Meth instead of cocaine. He thought it was coke, he was drunk and partying. He did a lot of lines of it and ended up in the hospital. He is now brain damaged, he hallucinates a lot and can't tell from real life to his hallucinations. He will be like this for the rest of his life, he can't work, he can't have a relationship, nothing. It's really sad to see what drugs do to people.
Thanks for sharing your story Tammy..
I knew a guy whose dealer sold him Meth instead of cocaine. He thought it was coke, he was drunk and partying. He did a lot of lines of it and ended up in the hospital. He is now brain damaged, he hallucinates a lot and can't tell from real life to his hallucinations. He will be like this for the rest of his life, he can't work, he can't have a relationship, nothing. It's really sad to see what drugs do to people.
Thanks for sharing your story Tammy..