I was taking approx. 30 5-325 mg percs. daily, for approx. a year. 5 day detox's. with subutex were unsuccessful. Even without using, I would go back to the withdrawals, full blown, within 5 days off of the detox. First is this typical with opiates and detox? My friend is a heroin addict. First of all with a fairly healthy, daily habit, her detox. was really intense for only 5 day, and then she was pretty much over it. My detox from opiates and subutex wouldn't get started until around the 4th or 5th day, and it seemed to get progressively worse and lasted for sometimes 3 mos.Depression and anxiety being the most intense and debilitating part of the withdrawal. Also when she was coming off of the stuff, I spared her a few of my suboxone to help her. I gave her only 2mg. worth, for 5 days. She took 4mg., 4mg, than 2mg. and was done and now feels absoulutely fine. I was stared on 12mg. of suboxone and am now down to 8mg. daily. She couldn't believe that I was on such a high dose. She said that even the 4mg. got her high, I don't get high at all. Am I really that F***** up???
Is this an extremely high dose of suboxone to be on? Is a heroin addiction vastly different in term of detoxing than opiates??????? Im really scared now that I'm a hopeless case and that I'll never get off of the suboxone and if I do I'll be just as sick as I was before I started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It sounds like you should have been on sub a little longer, but I am not an expert on sub.
I was taking percs as well, and my WDs didnt start for 2-3 days after quitting either. Three months I was still getting bouts of depression, but I havent since then.
Best Regards,
I was taking percs as well, and my WDs didnt start for 2-3 days after quitting either. Three months I was still getting bouts of depression, but I havent since then.
Best Regards,
How long have you been on sub? Are you following your doctor's advice on how long you need to take it? Everyone is different and you were taking 30 pills a day maybe that's why he started you at 12mg, I don't know. So how long have you been at 8 mgs? I don't know much about sub other than what i have read. If you need to talk I'll be online for a while longer though! Good luck! Rae
I've been on 8mg. for approx. 2 wks. now. I'm really just trying to find out specifically if heroing and opiat (pill) are different in terms of their withdrawal. Length of withdrawal, symptoms, etc, as stated in the inital post and also if this suboxone dosage is considered high by other users who have done as many percs as me and are also on suboxoxone??? Has there been any addicts on pill form opiate who have been successful on a five day detox????????
I would say, yes, there has been people who have done five day.
I was on close to the amount of percs you are and I detoxed at home in secret, my wife did not know at the time I was even addicted. I did not use sub, just vitamins and hot tub soaks.
There are a few people here that have been on that amount of sub from percs............... Herion, I have no idea.
I would say, yes, there has been people who have done five day.
I was on close to the amount of percs you are and I detoxed at home in secret, my wife did not know at the time I was even addicted. I did not use sub, just vitamins and hot tub soaks.
There are a few people here that have been on that amount of sub from percs............... Herion, I have no idea.
Well I really think it's best to talk to your doctor on this one. So you've been on sub for 2 weeks right? Why are you talking about a 5 day detox? I am confused but that is nothing new. From what I have read in the past 6 months being on this board is this: Most people start out at around 8 mgs. That sounds like a normal dose. Some will start to taper on thier own. Going from 8 to 6 mgs and staying there for a week and dropping again. Many people say less is better. So if you are that worried about staying on it for a long time then you may want to decrease your dose. I would talk to your doctor about your concerns... My ex husband was on sub for about 7 weeks total. He was only taking 3-4 vicodin a day though. He started at 8mgs went to 6mgs for a week then 4 all the way down to1/2 and went off. He said he felt very little withdrawl symtoms.
I have seen some on this board that were on it for 10 weeks and weaned off with little to no withdrawl symptoms. I have seen others that were only on it for 2-3 weeks that wished they would have stayed on it a little longer.
Yes herion and pain pills are different in reguards to the detox. I have never tried herion but I am sure it is. So I wouldn't compare you friend's recovery to your own or the amount of time you or her would need sub. If that makes any sense.
I hope that helped a little. Hopefully someone with more experience will come along and help you more. Good luck hun. Rae
I have seen some on this board that were on it for 10 weeks and weaned off with little to no withdrawl symptoms. I have seen others that were only on it for 2-3 weeks that wished they would have stayed on it a little longer.
Yes herion and pain pills are different in reguards to the detox. I have never tried herion but I am sure it is. So I wouldn't compare you friend's recovery to your own or the amount of time you or her would need sub. If that makes any sense.
I hope that helped a little. Hopefully someone with more experience will come along and help you more. Good luck hun. Rae
Thanks for the responses. In regards to the 5 day detox, what meant was that I tried two seperate detoxes on Subutex, each lasting 5 days, thats what they said would be the average detox time. Well, it was of know help. 5 days after each of those detoxes I was in full blown withdrawal without using any opiods.
I thought I was going nuts or was hopeless. Then I finally go to this doctor and he says that none can really be successfully detoxed from opiates in 5 days, he said it takes longer and it just doesn't work in 5 days. This seemed to be true considering the two experiences I had just been through. Has anyone had similar experiences? I mean I hope this doc isn't streaming me along just for the $. Also I started at 12 mgs. of Suboxone on this present detox. was on it for 1 week and am now on the 8mg. Thanks
I thought I was going nuts or was hopeless. Then I finally go to this doctor and he says that none can really be successfully detoxed from opiates in 5 days, he said it takes longer and it just doesn't work in 5 days. This seemed to be true considering the two experiences I had just been through. Has anyone had similar experiences? I mean I hope this doc isn't streaming me along just for the $. Also I started at 12 mgs. of Suboxone on this present detox. was on it for 1 week and am now on the 8mg. Thanks
Ok I see what you mean. I have been on this message board for 6 months almost daily. I have never read anyone being on sub for 5 days so I don't think that is very common. Maybe someone NEW will come along and tell you they have...I don't know! So I would stick to what your doing now. If it's working then that's great! I do agree the shorter time you can be on it the better. I have seen more success stories with people being on sub between 4 weeks - 12 weeks. It seems like the ones that are on it for any longer than that have a difficult time detoxing from it. That may be because some just jump off it without doing a SLOW taper, I don't know. I wouldn't see any harm in after a week going down to 6 mgs for a week and then 4mgs.... It sure couldn't hurt to go lower and see if you feel better! Talking to your doctor is the best advice I can give you. You've only been on it now for 2 weeks so it doesn't sound like he is stringing you along. At least not at this point. Good luck... Good night... Rae
I was taking as many pills as you were per day, for a year straight, like you. I started Sub on 4/21 at 12 mg (which in retrospect I feel was too high, as it made me feel very spacy). 2 weeks later I went down to 8 mg, then was supposed to go to 6 for a week and 4 for a week...but I went to 6 for a week, then 4 after four days, then down to 2. I'm now on 2 and due to go back to my doctor in a few days. I'm trying to get off it as quickly as possible.
I don't think your doctor is out for $$ at all. I think it does take more than 5 days for your body to detox and while I am not a doctor, I do think that one would need a taper of Sub in order to not feel WDs (perhaps slower and longer than what you were trying).
When I started on the sub I was also put on a mood stabilizer and given something for sleep. This has helped me tremendously with the depression that would set in whenenver I tried to stop before. I also have no cravings at all to use and feel confident that I won't when I go off the Sub (I think this has more to do with my just being ready to quit and be clean)
Feel free to email me if you have any questions. ozergirl@yahoo.com
Good luck
I was taking as many pills as you were per day, for a year straight, like you. I started Sub on 4/21 at 12 mg (which in retrospect I feel was too high, as it made me feel very spacy). 2 weeks later I went down to 8 mg, then was supposed to go to 6 for a week and 4 for a week...but I went to 6 for a week, then 4 after four days, then down to 2. I'm now on 2 and due to go back to my doctor in a few days. I'm trying to get off it as quickly as possible.
I don't think your doctor is out for $$ at all. I think it does take more than 5 days for your body to detox and while I am not a doctor, I do think that one would need a taper of Sub in order to not feel WDs (perhaps slower and longer than what you were trying).
When I started on the sub I was also put on a mood stabilizer and given something for sleep. This has helped me tremendously with the depression that would set in whenenver I tried to stop before. I also have no cravings at all to use and feel confident that I won't when I go off the Sub (I think this has more to do with my just being ready to quit and be clean)
Feel free to email me if you have any questions. ozergirl@yahoo.com
Good luck
As a long time reader and 1st time poster just wanted to say I have much exp. with the Sub and for me it has been very difficult. With Sub - LESS IS MORE, so its better to take as little as possible in order to step down gentle from this drug as it stays in your system for about 34 hours. ( That is why the 4th and 5th day was so bad for you) I was on both short term and long term detox off the sub. The first time was short term where i had a horrible doctor who had me off at 8mg. Which is WAY TOO HIGH! the withdrawal was horrible and sent me right back to where i started with the Hydro. I was at 40-50 pills per day, YES thats correct... PILLS PER DAY and those where anywhere in the 10/325 to 10/500mg.area. The lowest dose i was able to get down too was .2mg per day with the sub on a longer term taper and I should of started to step down, in this case I did have the money hungry doctor who felt I should not stop but that i should than switch to methadone which is a horrible drug ( long term $ in her pocket) she didnt agree with me on stopping so I am sadly back where I started.
I would advise you to learn all you can about the sub and decide for yourself what would work best for you. I know many, many people who have done short term and done well, I know many more like myself who tried long term maintenance but failed becuase the WD is a bit difficult if you step off at too high a dose or too fast. I strongly feel that as sub IS AN OPITATE you need to learn as much as possible. Have you gone to the SAMSHA website and read alot? if you need some links I will happily post them. Please dont give up on yourself, I sense you can do this with the correct information. btw- herion and hydo or percs are very similar in WD, I think your friend did so well because she/he was at such a lower does for a shorter period. I wish you well and good luck and will try and check back if you would like more information or if I can be any help at all.
BTW- what dose level where you at when you attempted to stop the Sub?
I would advise you to learn all you can about the sub and decide for yourself what would work best for you. I know many, many people who have done short term and done well, I know many more like myself who tried long term maintenance but failed becuase the WD is a bit difficult if you step off at too high a dose or too fast. I strongly feel that as sub IS AN OPITATE you need to learn as much as possible. Have you gone to the SAMSHA website and read alot? if you need some links I will happily post them. Please dont give up on yourself, I sense you can do this with the correct information. btw- herion and hydo or percs are very similar in WD, I think your friend did so well because she/he was at such a lower does for a shorter period. I wish you well and good luck and will try and check back if you would like more information or if I can be any help at all.
BTW- what dose level where you at when you attempted to stop the Sub?
Thanks for your advice. Never can have too much of that around here. First post huh. Well let me formally welcome you.
I hope you continue to read and post. Maybe even share your story one day but in your own sweet time, of course. Or never for that matter. Just as long as you get what you need when you visit.
Thanks for your advice. Never can have too much of that around here. First post huh. Well let me formally welcome you.
I hope you continue to read and post. Maybe even share your story one day but in your own sweet time, of course. Or never for that matter. Just as long as you get what you need when you visit.