Worried Friend

Hello from England!!!! My friend has been using on and off for about 4 years injected only a couple of times. He recently came off methadone he was only on 15mil to start with then came down very fast all in all he was on meths for about 8 weeks. He was fine for a couple of months then became very issolated and really depressed I notice he "twitched" more and his personality had changed he became nasty towards me. I finally got him to admit it he'd used again he swore it was only once and he'd been on subetex since, So he did his rattle last weekend thursday to sunday is this the right amount of time? do you rattle after using once then taking subetex? he has done loads of attempts to get clean but always goes back his sister is an addict and they live in the same house his parents are just ignoring it. I don't know what to do and should I trust him again or leave him to make his own life in herion? please someone reply I cant talk to anyone else xxx
I wish I was replying with an answer, but, it's actually a similar question. My sister is 29 and a heroin addict with two beautiful girls who don't really see her. She has been using my mother for cash and has consequently stolen about $2000 from her. Even as is, my mom is still giving my sister money and not really being proactive about helping my sister recover. I'm across the state so i can't really do that much, but I'm dreading going home for Thanksgiving. I don't know what to do and I feel like I'm the only person that can help my sister and mom and get my family back to relatively normal. No one I have talked to that are supposedly "experts" have said ANYTHING helpful. They tell me that my sister needs to go to lots of NA meetings--- "meetings" that are excuses for addicts to get together and use.
Basically, I'm frustrated and overwhelmed and I feel like no one is helping me and I don't know what I'd do if she died. Any advice would be really helpful.
Thank you.
You live in England right? Well in order to get back on a script having got clean off the meth he would have to have given a positive test, and no you wouldn't go through a rattle after using just once. He's bulls***ting you, or he has been, coz no Dr in the UK would give you a sub script if you've just used once. You have to have a habit and demonstrate that you have a habit, through repeated tests. Even if he only did one test, he would have had to have planned it, coz it only stays in your system for 3 days, so he would probably had to have booked an appointment before he'd used in order to give a positive sample. If he's on the sub the chances are that he's clean now, but I would stake my life that he was using regularly before he went on it.

best wishes
