My brother is a cocaine addict and his wife is pregnant. I am worried about the effects his habit will have on the baby. Can anyone tell me the severity of these effects and any other info you might be able to provide me with about how the father's addiction causes problems to the child.
As long as she dosen't usetheres no problem for the child now. The problem will occur after birth. Coke costs money. Lots of it. It blurs your thinking. Get him help before birth if you can.
I dont know about health problems but i do know about emotional affects. My dad was addicted to drugs as i grew up. As a young child i used to watch him and others partying and taking drugs. it was something i was used to and thought it was normal. Myself and my brothers and sisters were scared of him because of his mood swings and temper. we wittnessed him lieing and making up escuses and being aggressive to my mum and afterwards his girlfriends. He would leave us (the kids) waiting outside places whilst he went inside to buy or get a fix. Babies and children absorb and observe and learn everything from their parents and the parents enviorment. Potential parents should think about what qualities they want their children to witness and learn from them.
i agree with both persons that responded to this post.
the harn comes later...and aslong as she doesnt use....the baby cant get it in his system....
she must feel so bad....keep us updated on how theyre doing,and ofcourse,on the babyyy...
the harn comes later...and aslong as she doesnt use....the baby cant get it in his system....
she must feel so bad....keep us updated on how theyre doing,and ofcourse,on the babyyy...