Well Mom was supposed to be out of detox today but I haven't heard from her yet. We had a family visit yesterday and she seemed much better nervous about what is yet to come for her but better. She was under the impression once out of detox they don't give any more meds but I spoke to her counsler today and he said she will be evaluated and meds will be given to her by a doctor for her anxiety and pain that she is in. Any advice on what meds are better than others for these problems that are non narcartic. Thanks for listening and any help you have to offer is greatly appreciated!
ok it's tuesday and my mom left me a message I wasn't able to call her back but she said that when we visit this sunday she wants to come home that will only be two weeks in a program I wish she would stay at least a month to get some time under her belt. Any advice on how to get this idea across to her without making her upset?
I am so proud to read how you have been evolved in your moms detox and treatment. Now that she has been through that you need to learn one thing....you can not make the decision for ANYONE to seek, continue or stay in recovery. That is a big lesson you must learn or you could talk up a blue streak, get hurt all over again, and finally give up on mom..Don't do that. All you can do is praise her on her one day at a time IF she stays clean. I am not saying not to even mention it to her. By all means let her know it would make you feel so much better knowing she wanted to stay clean and sober, but I guess I'm saying, don't beat YOURSELF up if mom doesn't meet your exptctations. Make suggestions, find a meeting you both can go to, see her counsler together, show her this board if it will help. Only you know her well enough to recognize if your vocal wishes send her into a tizzy. Some facilities (detox centers) well, most actually affer followup inhouse treatment, but that may not always be feasable if you do not have insurance. But if you shop around maybe you could find a half way house type situation for the time being. Your mom has to mainstream herself back into life now. Be there for her, be strong for her and show her you are proud of her and love her every day. People on this board are routing for her too. keep up the good work