Would Anybody Be Willing To Help?

I'm doing a research paper on " The benefits and consquences of using PainPills"

Would anybody be interested in sharing their story for me to use in my paper? If so, can you type out your story and send it to my email address that is at the bottom of this? I won't use anybodys real name or screen names in the paper. Just would like to get some stories from all sides of the issue. People that were prescribed the medication and it turned into a problem and those of us that used the pills for other reasons.

If you are willing can you respond here so I can get a feel of how many people would be willing to help out. If I don't get enough responses here I may have to change my research topic. Thank you.

Liz, I see that you have had quite a few views, but no answers as of yet.

I am a cocaine addict, but I am able to use pain meds as required, so I don't think I'd be much help to you.

Hopefully now that I posted you might get some more posts.

I will share my story

I'll let you know here when I send the e-mail to you

Thanks Janet and Swizzle.

Janet, yeah, the paper is on pain pills. I give you credit though after being hooked on coke to be able to use pain medication without abusing them. I abused anything and everything I got my hands on. I'm just somebody that can't use anything that is mind or mood altering. I can't even have a drink. I appreciate your help here in trying to get the ball rolling.

Swizzle I really appreciate your help. I hope I can get more responses. Would really like to be able to do this paper.

It sounds like a very good subject for you, seeing as you have been there and can speak from personal experience. I wish you luck. I think that there will be quite a few people that will be glad to help.
Yeah, I thought this would be a good subject to cover. Especially since it seems to be a major problem in society now. I see it all over the television anymore about people becoming addicted to pain pills. I don't think people understand yet the dangers of pain killers. You know, they see illegal drugs as being a major problem but don't seem to have the understanding how bad it is being addicted to pain pills.
I'd be happy to help you, Liz. When do you need it?

Liz, I will too, when do you need it?
I am very happy for you, chick!! School!!?? Awesome!!
Let me know!
Hi Liz,

You probably don't remember me, I rarely post, but read here quite a bit. I started out using for legitimate severe pain, and almost killed myself at the end of my active addiction. I'd be glad to help. I'll send you my story soon.

Hope you are doing well....

Hey Everyone,

Thank you so much. I have 8 weeks to complete this paper. But the sooner you can send me your stories the better. So I can get all of my notes and everything organized before it's due. Ok, If you can say how you got started and basically what happened as the result of using the painpills would be a great help. And, add the name of the medication you were using. If anybody has anything good to say about pain pills you can also send me those stories as well. Just don't think I would find much of that on an addiction board though. Thanks Again everybody.
Boo, I remember you from awhile ago, how are you doing? I haven't seen you around here in awhile.

Hi Liz,
Just jumped on real quick before I head out again. Here's my story in a nut shell. Take what ever you need from it, if you need more or something more specific, as far as maybe a "war story" or something, than I'd be happy to help you out with that through an email. Anyway, gotta run, good luck with your paper. Have a great night.

I was attracted to the lifestyle of an alcoholic before I ever picked up my first drink. My father is a recovering alcoholic, he will be celebrating 27 years in April. I grew up watching my father drink with his so called buddies and spent alot of time in bars as a young child. Always feeling like I never fit in anywhere and feeling different from all my friends. I loved the fuss ppl. made of me when I was with him. I loved the fact that everyone seemed so happy in the bar, they all seemed like good friends and I felt, even that young, accepted for me. So, I'll skip ahead a little. I picked up at 10 yrs. old. no big deal just tried it, but I do remember liking the taste of beer. It was a weekend thing to do through my highschool years. I was a full blown alcoholic by the time I was 19.My father had been in A.A. since I turned 14. I went to a few meetings with him back in 1985 or 86 but it wasn't for me then, I still had to many "I nevers". I don't feel it nessessary to go into "war stories" here...1986 I started doin' coke alot along with my drinkin'. I loved it..It allowed me to drink and stay in the game for days at a time rather then just the night or weekend. My addiction allowed me to do things that I would never do in a sober state of mind. I stole, cheated, hurt people physically and mentally. My addiction took me places I had no business being. It's a miracle I'm alive today. I was a whiskey drinker as well, I loved the taste and the effect it gave me. I always drank for effect. I was a blackout drinker as well, there are things I was told I've done , but have no memory of doing them. My friends stopped inviting me out, they didn't want anypart of being around me when I was drinking and drugging. I moved a few times and somehow managed to get married and have two beautiful girls. Now 15 and 10.
No matter where I moved I always managed to gravitate towards the ppl. that were just like me. No matter where ya' go ya' take yourself with ya'!! lol
1995 I was introduced to Percocet. I replaced everything else I did for it. Stopped drinkin' doin' coke just did the pills, mostly anyway. Wasn't long before I was up to about 50 or 60 pills a day. I started learning what pills were simular what ones you had to take more of for effect. I knew more about them then the f---'in doctors did. I had back surgery in 2000. before this I had a few oxy's from time to time but not many. This time I was given my own script. 80mg..I remember actually being excited about discharge from the hos. cause I couldn't wait to get my script filled...Wasn't long I was taking between 10 & 20 of these a day. And still taking whatever other kind of opiate I could get my hands on. I was nolonger getting high from all of this I needed to take this amount just to feel "normal". Just to wake up and do what I had to do couldn't be done without the help of a handfull of pills.And thats no s*** as I'm sure you know. One morning in 2001 I called my dad, asked him for help. It had to stop.I was out of what I needed and had nobody to call, I had burnt all my bridges, sitting on my bedroom floor crying, begging God for help. My dad came over called a friend of his who I knew for years. My dad couldn't help me. It's not a good idea to get involved with 12 steppin' a family member. I knew this, cause I fourtunately knew about A.A....N.A....etc..Anyway, this friend took me to rehab on 10-30-2001. My life was saved because of A.A. the ppl. in it and God. But because I still never admitted complete powerlessness at two years clean and sober after about 8 or 9 surgeries for kidney stones I picked up. I took my meds. the wrong way and bought two bags of coke. Why? Because back in July of 2003 I stopped making meetings on a regular basis. Thought I was fine and didn't need that s***. WRONG!! Only took 4 months for me and I was back on the train. Thank God and my wife and friends I called my sponcer 1-11-04, told him exactly what I did, Turns out he knew!! lol...Did I learn yet? No! Always having to learn every lesson the hard way, again I got a little time under my belt. A little over a year clean/sober. But, I still couldn't grasp the thought of "24 Hours At A Time". Plus I still had a few I nevers! Instead of realizing what was instore for me, I told myself there were things I just wouldn't do, drinking/using or not. Wrong again! After again, slacking off on meetings, yep you guessed it, I pickied up again. Not where I left off, but where I would have been had I never stopped. This time my kids didn't eat, bills weren't getting paid, and I damn near lost the roof over my head. Well today I've admitted complete defeat & powerlessness. I ask God for another day in the morning and I thank him at night and I try do whats right inbetween. I make a regular attendance of meetings, I try to help another alcoholic/addict.
My sobriety date is 8-16-05
I love A.A. ( for me ) it has saved my life.
There are days I fall short, and I take my will back and do or say things instead of letting it go. But I'm getting better and at least today I'm aware of these things and I'm able to make amends when I should. It's all about change , I didn't get addicted in one night so it'll take time for me to think before I react. I compare myself to myself today and I can see I'm getting better little by little each day. It's a life long process, so it's "Easy Does It" for me.
The first thing I learned in A.A. was, what ever I put infront of my sobriety, will be the first thing I lose should I ever pick up again.

I start each day reading from a book called..Twenty-Four Hours A Day,
My fav. day to read is January 6th, which I've added to my morning prayers.....

Keeping clean and sober is the most important thing in my life. The most important decision I ever made was my decision to give up drinking and drugging.
I am convinced that my whole life depends on not taking that first drink or drug.
Nothing in the world is as important to me as my own sobriety. Everyting I have, my whole life, depends on that one thing.
Can I afford to forget this, even for one minute?

"I Think Not"
Thanks Bob,

This is good. I can use this along with the others stories. Thanks so much.

Bob, when I was in rehab, every AA meeting we went to read the January 6th meditation...so, so true!
I actually was in rehab on Jan 6, and that was one of the most powerful bits of info to me, ever.

I will email you a story in a few days, Liz.

Ok, thanks Kerry and everybody.

I'm going to try and get some school work done now since I was too lazy to any of it earlier. Hope everybody has a great night.
