Yay For Me!

When I got sober I lived in an aluminum shed that was made up into a one bedroom cottage. I lived there over 3 years. Then I moved into a 2 bedroom apt. that was a step up but I hated it. My boss let me rent a 2 bedroom house that I am living in now. Yesterday I closed on a double lotted 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house with an inground POOL in Fort Lauderdale. I've been trying to buy this house since April and if it wasn't for my wonderful boss I would have given up ages ago. Sobriety has been so good to me and I am so grateful for my life (today) I have no words. Life is good. I never thought I would be a homeowner again. Miracles happen if we stay sober.


Kat,you have much to be proud of.YOU did it, and you deserve it.You are the perfect exaple for all of us.~KIM

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I've been trying to buy this house since April and if it wasn't for my wonderful boss I would have given up ages ago.

Excuse me but what about your wonderful BFF who has had to listen to you and has had the faith when you lacked it? <beg>

You know how proud I am of you and watching you do the footwork, work the program, give it to God and let him handle the results shows me how this works and how hard you work at your recovery. You are the best and I am so grateful that I have my own bedroom at your new house, I mean I am so grateful that you get to enjoy the promises and I cannot wait to sit poolside and drink iced coffee's....

Congrats to Mike too....poor guy is probably estatic that you finally closed...

Now when are you moving in?? You packed?

Move? Heck, we just applied for the permit for the roof and the pool is still cloudy. Ew.
I'm happy for you Kat, that's amazing. I can't wait to know what it feels like to be a home owner... one day.... sigh. lol

Good for you! I wanna see some pictures... and you'll have your very own yard???? I'm jealous. ;)
Congrats Kat, I know you having been waiting and praying for this day to come for awhile. Couldn't have happened to a better person. I am so jealous I love Ft. Lauderdale. Hoping to visit there next year for our 20th wedding anniversary. Shantel
Once we move in you are all invited to a winter pool party! OMG I can't imagine being able to swim in my own pool in December! I'm hoping to have a party for the holidays if we can afford it. I have so many new friends that I owe my sobriety to I can't wait to show them what can happen if we stay sober.
Kat congrads

You got shutters? Cause this hurricaine may just whack the crap out of us. Its MASSIVE man.

Good luck.

Don't worry, Jeff. I'm willing it to the north.
I'm willing it to the north.

You keep willing it north and I'll keep praying....my stomach dropped this morning when they said the storm was a catagory 3 headed straight for southern florida coast....

There are no hurricanes here in De Nial.
About time this house closed, you deserve it, you waited with patience, and had a ton of faith it would happen. Way to go.

kitchie kitchie koo. or is it getchee getchee goo?

Brooke... it's geetcha.. LOL
It's kitchy kitchy koo. LMAO Get it right next time. I checked this morning to make sure my insurance payment checks were cashed. They were. I'm ready for Ike.

Stacey, she's blonde. We can't expect too much.
Congrats Kat..I know how important this was to you. You deserve every wonderful thing life has to offer. xxoo
Congrats Kat. I know how proud you are of owning your own home. You deserve it!
Hi Kat!

Wow, I don't know how I missed your post!!

How great is this?

You have come a long way baby and I know you are real proud:) What a shining example of how recovery works.

Good for you...enjoy your new home...it's are a blessing and a curse all in at once LOL!

So happy for you


I can't imagine living in an aluminum shack! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! You are funny, short and to the point oh and did I say very funny lol...

I'm so happy for you and you new home sounds beautiful!!! You must be so excited! Have fun decorating and making it your special retreat.

Again Congrat Kat, I know you've fought very hard to get where you are, you deserve all the best,


Here is my pool...

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Here is my house that needs lots of work but it's mine <G> The place was empty for a year so there's lots to do.

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