Yay! Off Topic But...

Hey Yall!

This is off topic and PLEASE do not think I am bragging, that is not my intention. My intention is to share with my friends something that happened today in my life that has me very happy and excited!

As most of you know, I have ALOT of kids and planning one more. Well, we always have a hard time fitting them all in to go somewhere together so the oldest stays behind sometimes. He is ok with it but it makes me feel bad. Anyway, my husband and I have realized we needed to get a bigger car. After MUCH pleading, mostly because of gas prices, I finally got him to agree with the car I wanted.... A HUMMER! Yay! I cant pick it up until Monday but I am still really excited. Now, we can lug the football team around with no problems.

It is white with tan interior... looks so nice. It is true what all of you said... when we get clean great things happen for us! He paid half cash and financed the rest so we arent real happy about another car payment but.... gotta be able to get all these kids around.

I will have buyers remorse in a few weeks because of the gas it will take for it so count on me complaining about that. I dont know what most of you pay for gas but here in Tampa it is almost 2.50 a gallon now.

I hope my excitement comes through the screen and yall can feel a little of it. When I used, I never felt excited about anything. What a waste.

Again, please dont think I am bragging, as I have been accused of that in the past, just wanted to share a life event with yall.

Anyone wanna go for a ride!
you know i may be deranged and all but i'm thinkin about gettin rid of my truck and finacing a moped[lol]..........vinny.
moped ha! If it werent for paying half down there is NO WAY I would have financed 54,000.00. I am already having a liiiiiiiittle buyers remores but that will be ok once we get the gas prices down.

Dont be on that moped punkin, I'll haul you around!
I didn't think you were bragging until you mentioned the brand name of the vehicle, the price, and how you paid for it. You've been in trouble before on this board for showing off your supposed wealth. Please don't do it again. This is just a matter of respect.

I've been reading your posts for about the last month and you seem to be very supportive of other addicts. You've given some good advice and been there to help a lot of new people.

Please try and remember that not everyone has money, and those who do know it's not polite to talk about it. You could simply have said you got a larger vehicle to accomodate your family and left it at that.

I would hate to see another all-out war on this board! Just offering a little friendly advice. And congratulations on the new vehicle, drive safely.
Ditto Betsy.. I totally am in agreement with what she said.. Kaela, I know this will make you mad and want to dismiss us <poof> but take this how it was meant in kindness and not how you will probably think it was meant..
It isnt polite to be angry with people when good fortune falls upon them either, especially when they confide in you on a friendly bases. Im sorry if you feel inferior because of my post. Truth is, you may make more money than I, I just may have more bills. Two sides to every story. Sorry to see this post turning ugly but Im sure nice things will be said before it is all over with.

Afterall, wasnt it you that once said good things begin happening once we get clean. Yep, believe it was. Practice what you preach or at least believe in it.

Have a great afternoon! :)

With all due respect, I can assure you that nobody was feeling inferior to you. An opinion was being represented. It is a fact, people with money don't talk about it, trust me.

Rea lives near... maybe she will wanna go for a ride in the car that doesnt exist. In fact, think I might ask her. She is one of the nice girls.
huh, i didn't hear no one cuttin on me after all i am getting the top of the line moped with reflectors in the spokes and a electric horn,that's what i thought your all jealous............vinny.

*winks at Vinny
Kaela, Like Rachel said no one feels inferior to you and I did not say that your car did not exsisted.. But I will stand by what I said and I agree with Betsy.. I knew you would get mad, but that is alright and like I have heard you say before everyone here has a right to express an opinion... BTW.. the only one that is making this thread turn nasty right now is you.. I am sorry you feel this way...but you have to admit that with you everything you tell us about has a price tag on it that you seem to want to share that with us.. To me this is rude.. but hey that is just my opionion.... I will not post to you again,,, because I do not talk to people that always want to fight and argue and get mad at people just because they want to post their opinion, and you do not agree with it... So in your on words.... You are Dismissed,,,, <poof>>>>>>

You are the one who brought up the car's existence. I don't think anyone was doubting that prior to your statement. Something that works well for people is, taking a look at their part in situations and not always pointing the fingers at others. Just a suggestion. Being a constant victim is never good for anyone.

I am so not mad hun. I am online, what could possibly happen online to make one mad, assuming they are sane.

I dont get worked up about things people online say, or offline for that matter but certainly not online.

You seem to hate me because I am not starving. Would it be fair for me to hate you if you were? No difference.

Its sad really, I would be happy for you. But, we are not all in the same state of mind/point in recovery so we have to be toughed skinned around here. So, assuming it makes you feel better,which is obviously does, hit me with your best shot.
congrats. on the new hummer...i think ,no, i know i would have jumped on the board to tell all my freinds, of course after i'd called all family members to share the good news.no matter if it was a 1985 pink pinto or a 2005 bmw.a new car should be good news....
so you're in tampa, huh? how bout a ride? i'm in lakeland....
small world after all...dj
oh yea,well we got two tv's in our house and one of them we use rabbit ears,our neighbors are so jealous of us they only got one tv,oh and did i mention the one tv we got is a black and white,so there i'm better than anybody else[lol]
Hi everyone ????
i know molly but i can't sleep
molly i just sent you a email
oh yeah, we just got a new remote for our tv, our youngest kid just learned to walk...lol...dj
i just told my husband about your new car and he was so excited about it...he said it's about time we get something new too...he said were finally getting indoor plumbing..so he went outback and brought the pail inside tonight....
thanks for inspiring him....