Yeah I Can Relate

hey you all i don't say much but i read the posts it will be 30 days next sunday and i learned that i relate to alot of you not sure if you guys relate to me i know it is either all or nothing i know that pills won't pull me back cut sources the herion will easier to get i know a double shot of jose cuervo gold and a beer doesn't help withdrawl i know my best man who was my best friend killed himself years ago but i don't know why i know another good friend died with a needle in his arm looking for the high i know i feed off of pissing people off i also love to break balls i know i told the wife i would leave the na meeting if a guy hugged me guess what i got hugged by a guy but i stayed the whole meeting not sure if i'll go back have some issues i know the pms in my house with the women and 3 daughters will be so thick at times you could cut it with a knife i know i had my 2 mins of fame on TV flipping out at the traffic copter who was filming the minor accident i was in i got hit wife got to see it too that was cool i know i always look for the easiest way out i know vinny got it back i did too on day 8 clean and boy does it have a mind of its own i know if i met a stranger on the street he might get a good idea of my past by the tattoo of the numbers 714 on my arm i know i have a sick and somewhat twisted sense of humor i know i am the luckiest person in the world to have a wife as understanding and supportive as mistyeyes is who has stuck with me through thick and thin for the last 20 years i know i am so proud of my kids i know tomorrow will be a even better day i just hope i can stay strong and remain clean
bad attitude, let us in...what does 714 mean?
Glad to see you're making it...
and getting better...
pms is real, by the way. I never believed it until I got it..I could literally kill people. And I am a nice person. I really feel sorry for you...I can't even stand myself let alone 4