Years Of Drug Abuse

i am very concerned about my husband,he has been abusing pain medicine for several years,promises to get clean,but still has not.I've read some of the stories posted and i can relate to how you feel.My husband takes 33 different pain killers everyday,15 at one time,now is drinking with them and taking seizure medicine.Has night sweats,chills,weight loss,behavior change,uncontrollabe limb movement,constipation/diahrea,stomach pain,head aches,the list goes on.I am extremely concerned for his life don't know what else to do.any advise please help.
Mick, (with love) if you don't want to be a widow, I would get him into treatment sounds like a bad situation to me.
does he need them for pain at all , or is he just abusing them. does he have any desire to stop? believe it or not one of the most serious problems is all the acetimenophen he's taking (tylenol). I If he really needs that many meds, he needs to talk to a Dr. about a pain specialist place where they can giver higher doses of the pain medication without as much tylenol.

If he's abusing them, it's a different story. The only viable option is recovery or recovery or recovery, and theres lots of ways to achieve that, & the final option is (& this is not a first but a last) is methadone maintenance.

You're challenge is what do and can you do. You can't make him quit or force him with ultimatums that he wont (or probably cant) keep until he's ready to make a decision.

There is help at alanon, or groups like overcomers anonymous . Many people are afraid at first to go to places like that, but there is no reason whatsoever. You will be welcomed & should find some good help. Try to be strong and take some good steps.

I hope the best for you

(by the way, is the same Dr prescribing him these drugs?)