Are there any people who practice 12 steps and are not leaving? This forum seems to have the most people.
I will not drink but I take some pills. Lie to the doctors as I know I should not take zanax but I like it a lot. I get panic
Its so easy to get the doctors to write multiple scripts with refills.
So far I am O.K but?
Why do you think it is okay to lie to your doctor to get pills? If you are recovering from alcoholism, why would you risk your sobriety with pills? You say so far you are okay, but this does not sound like you are okay. I don't need 12 steps to tell me that you are playing with fire. Having an addiction to pills is about just as fun as being an alcoholic. It sucks. Are you in a 12 step program? If so, have you mentioned this lying to your doctor thing to your sponsor. Are you possibly looking for somebody to tell you this is okay? If so, it's not me. Stop taking the pills before your problems double. How much are you taking? Anything else besides xanax? Atlas
Why do you think it is okay to lie to your doctor to get pills? If you are recovering from alcoholism, why would you risk your sobriety with pills? You say so far you are okay, but this does not sound like you are okay. I don't need 12 steps to tell me that you are playing with fire. Having an addiction to pills is about just as fun as being an alcoholic. It sucks. Are you in a 12 step program? If so, have you mentioned this lying to your doctor thing to your sponsor. Are you possibly looking for somebody to tell you this is okay? If so, it's not me. Stop taking the pills before your problems double. How much are you taking? Anything else besides xanax? Atlas
Atlas I have been sober a long time. I get panic attacks. When lots of people or tight quarters an elavator etc
When I take my Xanax I am O.K
This`is what I have been doing for a while.
When I take my Xanax I am O.K
This`is what I have been doing for a while.
Atlas, I lie to the doctor as I would have to buy them off the street.
I like klonopin but they are hard to get. Would have to doctor shop and who has the time for that.
I like klonopin but they are hard to get. Would have to doctor shop and who has the time for that.
If you have a legitimate medical condition, why must you lie to your doctor? What do you tell him that is a lie?
Do you take them only when needed, or just to relax? How much do you take in a day?
Congrats on your almost 4 years free of alcohol. But lying to your doctor is a red flag. The first time I lied to my doctor it was the beginning of the end, if you know what I mean.
Are you in a 12 step program, and if so, does your sponsor know about all of this? Or any of this? What does he/she say?
Do you take them only when needed, or just to relax? How much do you take in a day?
Congrats on your almost 4 years free of alcohol. But lying to your doctor is a red flag. The first time I lied to my doctor it was the beginning of the end, if you know what I mean.
Are you in a 12 step program, and if so, does your sponsor know about all of this? Or any of this? What does he/she say?
I have no sponsor anymore. I lie to the doctor as it just happened. If I told him the truth he would not prescribe.
I take 1mg 3X somedays I take none.
It all depends
I take 1mg 3X somedays I take none.
It all depends
I am in 12-step program - NA to be spcific, though I sometimes go to AA meetings - and I am not leaving this board
In AA/NA, you KNOW that brutal 100% honest is madatory to maintain your sobriety
You are NOT being completely honest
You know that - you may try to deny it to yourself, but you can't live in denial
Ok - so you have panic attacks
So do many other addicts and I am one of them (Not often, but they do happen to me)
By taking Xanax, you KNOW that is NOT the answer for ANY addict!!
You are only asking for trouble
Again, you know it if you will stop lying to yourself
Not an easy thing to do .... but far from impossible ....
Please don't think I'm beating you up - I just really care!!
I have lied to myself so many times I could not even attempt at counting all the times!!! Heck, I STILL do it - just don't make it a daily thing anymore
I still have a long way to go, but I am choosing to move ahead on the road of complete abstinance from ALL mind altering subtances towards a better life for myself
Would you join me on that road ???
Hand holding is optional, but it is offered ....
I am in 12-step program - NA to be spcific, though I sometimes go to AA meetings - and I am not leaving this board
In AA/NA, you KNOW that brutal 100% honest is madatory to maintain your sobriety
You are NOT being completely honest
You know that - you may try to deny it to yourself, but you can't live in denial
Ok - so you have panic attacks
So do many other addicts and I am one of them (Not often, but they do happen to me)
By taking Xanax, you KNOW that is NOT the answer for ANY addict!!
You are only asking for trouble
Again, you know it if you will stop lying to yourself
Not an easy thing to do .... but far from impossible ....
Please don't think I'm beating you up - I just really care!!
I have lied to myself so many times I could not even attempt at counting all the times!!! Heck, I STILL do it - just don't make it a daily thing anymore
I still have a long way to go, but I am choosing to move ahead on the road of complete abstinance from ALL mind altering subtances towards a better life for myself
Would you join me on that road ???
Hand holding is optional, but it is offered ....
Hi Swizzle I have tried so hard to stop the Xanax.It makes me feel great. The alcohol ??? Its a memory. Holding hands is very sexy. I like holding hands.
I appreciate your honesty.
I appreciate your honesty.
I have no sponsor anymore. I lie to the doctor as it just happened. If I told him the truth he would not prescribe.
What is wrong with this???
You do not have to answer to me
My first suggestion is to read that several times, ponder, think about it, get honest with yourself, and start writing your thoughts onto paper
Second suggestion is to get to a meeting ASAP - raise your hand and ask for a temporary sponsor - get working those steps!!!
Even if this person is only a "temporary sponsor", they can still guide you and help you work thru the steps.
If you have worked them before, or 10 times before, start again at step one and work them - from the beginning - with COMPLETE honesty
Your life depends on it !!!!
PS - I am not an alcoholic - never cared much for drinking - just 1 or 2 on rare occasions only. Heck, I could still have a rare drink or 2 now and then and do not believe that it would ever lead me back to my DOC.
I am making the decision FOR MYSELF to never have a drink for the rest of my life.
Why do you think that is ???
What is wrong with this???
You do not have to answer to me
My first suggestion is to read that several times, ponder, think about it, get honest with yourself, and start writing your thoughts onto paper
Second suggestion is to get to a meeting ASAP - raise your hand and ask for a temporary sponsor - get working those steps!!!
Even if this person is only a "temporary sponsor", they can still guide you and help you work thru the steps.
If you have worked them before, or 10 times before, start again at step one and work them - from the beginning - with COMPLETE honesty
Your life depends on it !!!!
PS - I am not an alcoholic - never cared much for drinking - just 1 or 2 on rare occasions only. Heck, I could still have a rare drink or 2 now and then and do not believe that it would ever lead me back to my DOC.
I am making the decision FOR MYSELF to never have a drink for the rest of my life.
Why do you think that is ???
Swizzle I know what I am doing is wrong. I am afraid that If I tell the truth about my panic attacks I will end up on other drugs.
I beat the alcohol my way and right or wrong I will continue to take my zanax. There is a new long lasting Zanax that I will try. Maybe this will help.
I am never going through another 911 call to the EM NEVER. Anyone who has had them understands I hope.
I beat the alcohol my way and right or wrong I will continue to take my zanax. There is a new long lasting Zanax that I will try. Maybe this will help.
I am never going through another 911 call to the EM NEVER. Anyone who has had them understands I hope.
Swizzle I am sick of meetings.
You said it right there - - "It makes me feel great"
That is some great honesty there - I'm proud of you!!
I will always be honest with you
I know how the truth hurts sometimes, but it's better than being lied to so everyone can pretend that life is just peachy ....
Next question is what are you going to do about it???
You DO know it is a problem, but only YOU can make the step to resolve it when YOU are ready to do so .....
And yes, I love holding hands too - it IS very sexy and I am a very sexual person. Any kind of physical contact, touching, kissing, etc is very sexy to me
he, he, he....
Sorry, maybe TMI
You said it right there - - "It makes me feel great"
That is some great honesty there - I'm proud of you!!
I will always be honest with you
I know how the truth hurts sometimes, but it's better than being lied to so everyone can pretend that life is just peachy ....
Next question is what are you going to do about it???
You DO know it is a problem, but only YOU can make the step to resolve it when YOU are ready to do so .....
And yes, I love holding hands too - it IS very sexy and I am a very sexual person. Any kind of physical contact, touching, kissing, etc is very sexy to me
he, he, he....
Sorry, maybe TMI
Why are you sick of meetings??
Where do you live??
Maybe you just need to find a really awesome group that you LOVE and look forward to going to the meetings??
I live up north in Rhode Island/Conneticut area. Why am I sick of meetings? It just happened.
Things are fine if I attend a meeting or decide to go home.
Things are fine if I attend a meeting or decide to go home.
I'm not understanding - sorry - I am partially blonde and sometimes a bit slow to catch on to what words may actually mean ....
Can you elaborate for me ??
Swizzle I do not get anything from the meetings anymore. I go home instead.I appreciate your advice. Have heard it often in past year.
So if you're sick of meetings, what do you plan to do to stay sober and get clean?
If you're lying to drs and abusing meds, you need help. When you got sober, you didn't do it by yourself. What makes you think you can this time?
Get your butt back to meetings. Sit down, shut up and listen. You might hear yourself in someone's story.
Glad you're here.
If you're lying to drs and abusing meds, you need help. When you got sober, you didn't do it by yourself. What makes you think you can this time?
Get your butt back to meetings. Sit down, shut up and listen. You might hear yourself in someone's story.
Glad you're here.
I stay clean as the urge to drink has long left me. I lie to the doctor because if he knew I was an alcoholic no pills. I take them as needed.
I know what I am supposed to do. But I will not go to a meeting tomorrow.
Used to love meetings now I hate them.
O/T minimal info on these boards to many crackpots and its quite easy for savvy computer people to find a lot from a little.
I know what I am supposed to do. But I will not go to a meeting tomorrow.
Used to love meetings now I hate them.
O/T minimal info on these boards to many crackpots and its quite easy for savvy computer people to find a lot from a little.
That's up to you buddy. Meetings aren't for everyone.
I got really sick of meetings about 4 years ago. Didn't take long for me to start lying to everyone about everything. I'm back in meetings and working with a sponsor and hence, I'm clean for over a year. I dont' lie anymore.
Have you acually asked the dr without lying? What do you mean by lying? Is it that you're not telling him that you're an alcoholic? Or are you lying about your condition. There might be other treatment out there for you that doesnt' mean narcotics. You won't know until you get honest.
You're practicing that honesty here...good for you.
I got really sick of meetings about 4 years ago. Didn't take long for me to start lying to everyone about everything. I'm back in meetings and working with a sponsor and hence, I'm clean for over a year. I dont' lie anymore.
Have you acually asked the dr without lying? What do you mean by lying? Is it that you're not telling him that you're an alcoholic? Or are you lying about your condition. There might be other treatment out there for you that doesnt' mean narcotics. You won't know until you get honest.
You're practicing that honesty here...good for you.
I will never experience those attacks again. The Xanax works. I do not take narcotics.I went through the pot yrs -tried coke? not for me. Found alcohol and got hooked. I get the pills I need to keep me from having attacks. I will do nothing to mess with it. Its been a long time since my last major panic attack.
I get sweaty and racy in crowds so stay away from them. Like an art festival with narrow aisles I freak out?
Lying ? I told him my symptoms. He asked me If I had ever abused any drugs. I lied. I am afraid of shrinks. All i read is kids on ritalin and adults killing each other due to these strong pills they get. I like my Zanax.Keeps me normal.
I get sweaty and racy in crowds so stay away from them. Like an art festival with narrow aisles I freak out?
Lying ? I told him my symptoms. He asked me If I had ever abused any drugs. I lied. I am afraid of shrinks. All i read is kids on ritalin and adults killing each other due to these strong pills they get. I like my Zanax.Keeps me normal.