My sister just 18 is a heroin abuser. For the last 6 months she has been on methadone along with other things, but after her stealing habit could no longer support her habit she was thrown out of the so called program and ran right back to heroin! She left my mothers house that she has been at for the last 6 months due to the fact my father would not let herlive with him with her continual lying, stealing, and abusing. Well for the last 3 days she has been at a drug dealer/drug abusers house getting high all day. When she called home once we got the # of caller id and we called her and the boy would not let my father speak with her... threatened her well being and hers.... Knowing where the house is we went there knocked on the door and asked to speak with her... after several minutes he finally brought her to the door.... she was emaciated, track marks, and high as a kite.... My father not sure what the hell was going on dragged her to the car, and her b/f was struck by the drug dealer and said he had a gun ... I the sister was waiting in the car heard my dad say he has a gun and i saw people on the ground, and yelllin,,,, so from my cell I called the police in a panic i was not sure if someone ws shot. well then they came to the car with my sister and we went to our home... 1 hr latter police show up.... First cop walks in and tells us that boy she was with is a severe drug abuser , the house has been watched ,and he as been charged before and told my sister to even stay at our house to go to rehab the next day or he would take her to the er...she was so messed up almost in a coma.... well the rest of the cops show up... the supervisor ... arresst my dad & her b/f/ for phelony kidnapping.... can u velieve that .. and then dropped her back off at the drug dealers house.... The comissioner let my dad out with no bail cause he could not believe it.... NOw she is there and we just have to wait for the call that no family ever wants to hear.... any suggestions?
Rosie, welcome to our nightmare. Most people on this board can tell you horrible, unbelievable stories. It is sad to hear what is happening to your sister and also your father.
Your father will have the easiest problem to resolve. Since he extracted her from a life threatening situation, I cant imagine the case proceeding very far. This sounds like a story I would expect to hear out of B-more.
Your sister will not do anything until she is truly ready to change her life. Since she was on Meth, maybe she is already there. But dont blame her for running back to the big H when she was kicked out of the Meth program. The receptors in her brain need something to satisfy their need to feel good and once off the Meth, she returned to what she knew would do the trick. Its a shame these Meth programs can just cut someone from their program like that. Meth is just as addictive as H, you are just able to function while on it. But to cut someone like that should not be allowed by law.
If you want to help your sister, you will need to educate yourself as to what she is going through and what you can or cannot expect from her. She will not quit for you or your family. She can only quit for herself. But you can be there to support her and encourage her as she goes through it. Good luck.
Your father will have the easiest problem to resolve. Since he extracted her from a life threatening situation, I cant imagine the case proceeding very far. This sounds like a story I would expect to hear out of B-more.
Your sister will not do anything until she is truly ready to change her life. Since she was on Meth, maybe she is already there. But dont blame her for running back to the big H when she was kicked out of the Meth program. The receptors in her brain need something to satisfy their need to feel good and once off the Meth, she returned to what she knew would do the trick. Its a shame these Meth programs can just cut someone from their program like that. Meth is just as addictive as H, you are just able to function while on it. But to cut someone like that should not be allowed by law.
If you want to help your sister, you will need to educate yourself as to what she is going through and what you can or cannot expect from her. She will not quit for you or your family. She can only quit for herself. But you can be there to support her and encourage her as she goes through it. Good luck.
Hey David,
Thanks for the response. Crazy thing is she was just abusing the methadone anyway! Nodding out, burning holes in mattress and carpet, no job, just her legal way of getting high... Crazy thing is now she is on crack, not heroin. And to try to be there for her is not a choice. She hates us all while she is on drugs, will not call us, visit, ever!!!! We are her worst enemies (were the ones that care) Only out for herself... I just can't believe the cops here in baltimore, they returnt her to that place where a 2 time convicted drug dealer sells and uses drugs in his home ... they admitted they know it. Im thinking about going to the news not just for my sister, but the unethical way they handled the problem What do you think >
Thanks for the response. Crazy thing is she was just abusing the methadone anyway! Nodding out, burning holes in mattress and carpet, no job, just her legal way of getting high... Crazy thing is now she is on crack, not heroin. And to try to be there for her is not a choice. She hates us all while she is on drugs, will not call us, visit, ever!!!! We are her worst enemies (were the ones that care) Only out for herself... I just can't believe the cops here in baltimore, they returnt her to that place where a 2 time convicted drug dealer sells and uses drugs in his home ... they admitted they know it. Im thinking about going to the news not just for my sister, but the unethical way they handled the problem What do you think >
I'm just visiting the Herion site from Cocaine site. Yes, I have a bit of a problem too. I just want to say that I agree with you! BS about those cops taking her back to the same place that's killing her. I would go to the media, and CALL YOUR LOCAL CONGRESSMAN/ WOMAN!
Hi Rosie, I was actually just joking when I said your story sounded like something Id hear out of Baltimore!! I did not expect to find you are really from there. The cops arent too much on the ball there. They can extract money out of people like your father, but the addicts who cant hold a job and cant pay anything walk away.
As far as her hating you, it is only the drugs. Deep down she probably still feels the same way, but as long as you are trying to interfere with her current lifestyle she will not want anything to do with you. If you can get her clean she will return to normal.
I doubt going to the news will do any good. Although some people will take an interest in your story, most will view it as someone who isnt worth anything, just destroying their life over drugs so why worry about them. Thats a harsh statement, but Ive been where you are Rosie. Whatever you do for your sister will have to largely come from you and your family.
Rosie, if you want to send me direct e-mails, I will give you my e-mail address in my next post as long as you tell me it is okay. Just let me know. Good luck.
As far as her hating you, it is only the drugs. Deep down she probably still feels the same way, but as long as you are trying to interfere with her current lifestyle she will not want anything to do with you. If you can get her clean she will return to normal.
I doubt going to the news will do any good. Although some people will take an interest in your story, most will view it as someone who isnt worth anything, just destroying their life over drugs so why worry about them. Thats a harsh statement, but Ive been where you are Rosie. Whatever you do for your sister will have to largely come from you and your family.
Rosie, if you want to send me direct e-mails, I will give you my e-mail address in my next post as long as you tell me it is okay. Just let me know. Good luck.
Thanks for the posts, they keep me going knowing some one out there understands. My sister has agreed to call the states attorney and say she does not want to testify against my dad. All the state wants is my dads money ! She is still living in that house. It makes me sick to know these cops are well aware and do nothing, by choice. there hands are tied... they say... the boy is 2 times convicted of selling charges sounds like a no brainer to me... Seems like this is going to get much worse before better... Im pressing charges on her this week for jewerly she has stolen from me over the past holiday, I didnt want to but seem s the only way... David email would be nice .. thank you all
Hi Rosie,
Here is my personal e-mail address. Feel free to write any time. Pressing charges against your sister will probably help her if you can get the value over $500 to make it a felony.
Here is my personal e-mail address. Feel free to write any time. Pressing charges against your sister will probably help her if you can get the value over $500 to make it a felony.