Your Spiritual Toolbox

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Within you is a tool boxa box of possibility and hope. There you will find principles that will transform your life. What do you have in your tool box? And what practices can you use to put these principles into action?


I unleash the unlimited potential in my soul.


Blessed Spirit,

I am Eternal Spirit, expressing in this human form.
As such, I know and cherish my identity as Your divine awareness.
You are pushing and moving out into expression as me, in me, and through me.

I am One with Your life, Your love and Your infinite wisdom.
Thank You, dear God, for guiding me in the direction of my soul, my hopes and my dreams.

And so it is.


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Thanks Sammmy, I need that today! I think I'll head out to work in the garden and plant some stocks and roses. Catherine has some in her garden and maybe that is part of her secret. Gracie
I unleash the unlimited potential in my soul.

Man,I love that Sammy.Thanks for sharing that.

Gracie-I saw your post in the other thread and I wanted to let you know that I think you're doing awesome.You listen to that voice in your gut that's talking to you about those things.Clean is clean and it's not ambiguous.I think it's normal for addicts to look for that "clause" to excuse something they know is trouble.I did it so I am not judging.We each have to reach our own truth in these matters.
I advocate the 12 step program approach to recovery but not every one does and that's o.k.
Gina made a good point.You look around at who you admire and what they're doing.That's how I chose my sponsor.

Gardening is my business by trade so I totally encourage it.

Gardening tip* make a spray for aphids on your tomatoes from cigarettes butts that have been seeping in water for a couple of days.Put it in a hand held sprayer and it makes a great spray to kill aphids,mites,cut worms and other varmits eating your tomatoes and vegetables.

Gardening tip #2......Are snails eating your begonias? Set a cup of beer out in the garden.They love it but it makes them explode.

Have a great day

Thanks Tim, do you have a gardening tip to keep deer away? Gracie
Thanks Tim, do you have a gardening tip to keep deer away? Gracie

a 12 gauge shotgun..............I'm sorry Bambi.LOL
You're killing me here.....LOL

Me too, I am going to get some beer, for the snails. Gracie
I didn't know snails drink beer.
Snails drink Budweiser beer and goats drink Coors Light, and I'm not kidding cause I had a goat I used to drink with and she loved Coors Light....

Gracie, honey...exactly what Tim said!!

Minus...the bambie thing and the drunken snails:)

Great post...thank you Sammy.