
Here I go again. :) Went to a meeting. It was about the 4th step. coincidence I think not. I am scheduled to meet with my sponsor on Thurs. after work.
Awesome, Jane....keep trudging, it gets better, then it gets good.

You're my hero today~! I loved chatting with you yesterday.

Much love,

BTW, Yesterday was my 1 year mark off of cigarettes, now I'm striving for 2............xoxo
3-3. Doing ok been sleeping great for the most part. I hit a meeting last night & it was on step 3. Its been cool to see the change in others and sharing something like a miracle. I am headed to Vegas today. Im going where its warm good food and good entertainment. I get to hang with my hubby and I dont think about smoking much when I am with him cause he never really knew I was smoking a little again. Hopefully I just quit for good I already enjoy being more honest with him again. Weve been getting along pretty good. Anyways my quit is intact and I am moving forward. I give my life to Gods care. Working my step two with this new sponsor today she will never be my old sponsor maybe just have to take what I can get. Ill just do the next right thing.
Much love & respect,