30 Days And Counting:-)

Hey Guys Im just updating on my hubby, it has been 30 days since the last relapse,I still wonder if he can do this though Im praying alot! I think it helps.I have him on every kind of vitamin I can think of. He is so good about taking them.He is putting a lot of energry into his Quad it keeps him very happy which seems to help him when he has a hobby.He isn't doing the meetings though which I am concerned about.I ask him to call his sponser but he didnt respond to me.He says he wants to forget he did it.But I dont forget.He is just going on as usual. I wish I could do that.
How is everyone else doing? I hope good I still come here everyday for your support it helps me so much I cant even tell you.So Thanks for listening and being there always.I pray for each and everyone of you everyday. Well hope everyone is doing well.God Bless you all. Kim
congratulations..be beware....his unwillingness to go to meetings is a danger sign. Ignoring the disease(addiction) will not make it go away. He must understand..for the rest of his life he will ALWAYS be an addict.He has a choice now.. To be a practicing addict, or a recovering addict..one day at a time. The programs of AA and NA gives us guidelines and tools to learn how to live life on life's terms. without picking up. They teach us alternative methods for coping. I must say it is crucial for him to be actively involved with other addicts in recovery. Throwing himself into a hobby is great but what hapens when he wakes up at 4am and the demons of addiction are driving him so hard that the only thing between him and a relapse is his Higher power, but because he has not been active in a program...he has no tools for maintaining his recovery. Remember, you can love him with all your heart but you cannot keep him clean and sober. He must be doing it for himself. And just F.Y.I.---if he still drinks even socially, be well informed that alcohol lowers an addicts ability to resist relapse.
May God bless you and keep you strong...You will be in my prayers.
(picked up a 9 year medallion on may 14th!!!for crack cocaine...it can be done!!!!)
Come visit with us any time Kim and share how you are doing. I'd feel better to if he was doing meetings and talking with his sponsor. Meetings and sponsrship keeps me sane.
Hi, i know your right about the meeting thing . My hands are tied He gets annoyed with me if I nag him about it, I would feel better if he went to meetings, We go to church every Sunday, He says that makes him feel really good.All I can do is pray he stays clean this time, I cant make him get better,I just hope and pray everyday he does,He has been to rehab two times he knows what he is supposed to do.He was clean for really longs lenghts of times 5 years , 2 years. His drug awareness councler said he is the hardest to cure because he can go so long.It is really hard for me, I worry about it all day long.I should be going to meetings with him but I have 2 little kids and no one to watch them so It is really hard for me to go thats why Im so glad I found this board I come everyday ,even if I dont post I read them and it helps me cope.Sometimes the things I read really are scary, Sometimes it makes me feel like there is hopw but all in all it gives me a sense of reality, I know now that this is not just something that goes away on its own.I know he needs the meetings and I will have a talk with him about it again tonight because I cant just let it go.Thanks for listening.You guys are the best. God bless you all. Kim
Hi Kim and Tammi,

Congrats on his 30 days and congrats on your 9 years Tammi.

I could not agree with Tammi more. I was one of those people that could seemingly put the cocaine down for long periods of time and yes, that is a curse. It tricks your mind into thinking that you are not the addict you truly are. My disease progressed to the point where those long stretches of being clean got less and less until I was completely out of control. I have been through rehabs and been in NA and still it is a daily struggle.

Tammi is so right ... your hobbies and your initial motivations to stay clean will only carry you so far. I don't want to sound negative when you are excited about his 30 days but in my case I definately need more than my original rehab stint to stay clean. I hope he gets to meetings and finds a reason to stay. This disease is so tough on families and I hate seeing and hearing about what it does being I have been the cause of so much pain in my own family and to my girlfriend.

I wish both of you all the best and hope he changes his mind about meetings. I agree with Tammi that you need to be with other addicts if you have hopes to stay clean.

Albert R.