Hi, It's Dianna here...
I had posted on this board many times months ago, trying to get off the Pain Pills. I had also received so much support and words of encouragement from the people here..My Sincere Thanks...
Well Im Proud to say that I Finally quit...
I had been on the Pills for many many years.
Was Hopeless, Fearful, Depressed,and my Isolation from people had turned my (at first sanctuary) Home into a Prison..I had contimplated Suicide many times, but could not find a way that would Definetly work, and of course not be too Painful...
Anyway..I knew I could not go on the way I was and before I checked out, I decided to try and find out what it would be like to be a Prisioner no more to my Addiction.
Jan 3, I stopped...I have to admit that the withdrawal lasted for at least 2 weeks for me...The anxiety was Horrible,and my body ached for at least a week..Sleeping was just not happening...I truely thought that after 3 days I would feel better, but that was not the case for me..
I did stick it out as going back seemed just a little too rediculous, even for me..
Well Im So So Proud to say that today is day 36 and I have come a long long way...
I don't want to go on and on, but I do want to Thank Everyone who has been here for me, and tell anyone that is still struggling that there is Hope..
I can't for the life of me now figure out why I felt that I needed the pills..Guess that was just ANOTHER LIE that my Addiction told me...
Well anyone who feels in need of talking can feel free to e-mail me.
This Board has been a Blessing to Me. I had tried others but this one is by far the best...
Thank You.
Love and Hugs to All.
Congratulations Dianna, thats a great accomplishment and it should only get better from here. I hope you stick around to share your experiences with others, you can help a lot of people with the things you learned.
Way to go girl. You have done very good and should be so proud of yourself. I have started over and over again many times and I am on Day # 7. Hopefully oneday soon I will be in your shoes. Day # 36 seems so far away... Rae
Way to go girl. You have done very good and should be so proud of yourself. I have started over and over again many times and I am on Day # 7. Hopefully oneday soon I will be in your shoes. Day # 36 seems so far away... Rae
Dianna Banana-
WAY TO GO WOMAN!!!!!!! Damn girl, I am so friggin proud of you I could burst. I knew you were having a rough go of it. I've got a grin on my face from ear to ear - are you still up? I'm going to call you right now. Let me know if its ok.
WAY TO GO WOMAN!!!!!!! Damn girl, I am so friggin proud of you I could burst. I knew you were having a rough go of it. I've got a grin on my face from ear to ear - are you still up? I'm going to call you right now. Let me know if its ok.
Hi Diana! Welcome back!! I still have one of your post printed out..lol...
I am glad to hear you are doing better, you went MIA for a while..
I am glad to hear you are doing better, you went MIA for a while..
Hey Kerry,
How are you feeling today? I heard about your new Monets and VanGough LOL
Sorry, I'm sure youre not in the mood - but you know how kids are. You'll never believe what happened to me with, of course, little Tony, when he was a baby. Well he did some wonderful artwork on his bedroom wall, right where he could reach outside of his crib. Only I WISH it were with paint!! His dirty diaper had somehow came loose and (yuck) I guess you can figure it out from there. Now that was one of the grossest things I have ever had to clean(LOL). Kids, ya gotta love em.
Othere than that, youre sounding pretty good, Kerry. I' so glad to hear it. You keep up the great job youre doing.
How are you feeling today? I heard about your new Monets and VanGough LOL
Sorry, I'm sure youre not in the mood - but you know how kids are. You'll never believe what happened to me with, of course, little Tony, when he was a baby. Well he did some wonderful artwork on his bedroom wall, right where he could reach outside of his crib. Only I WISH it were with paint!! His dirty diaper had somehow came loose and (yuck) I guess you can figure it out from there. Now that was one of the grossest things I have ever had to clean(LOL). Kids, ya gotta love em.
Othere than that, youre sounding pretty good, Kerry. I' so glad to hear it. You keep up the great job youre doing.
Hi Diana;
36 days is awesome...thanks for sharing your story! It's great to hear that you kicked these pills and have found life is so great on "the other side". It's so true. I'm a day behind you - Jan 4th for me.
Now that you got clean, what are you doing to stay clean? Just curious.
Way to go!
36 days is awesome...thanks for sharing your story! It's great to hear that you kicked these pills and have found life is so great on "the other side". It's so true. I'm a day behind you - Jan 4th for me.
Now that you got clean, what are you doing to stay clean? Just curious.
Way to go!
Diana........congratulations on 36 days...that is awesome. you and i have much in common with the many years of hydro addiction.....and the w/d....i am on day 80 something, it does get better! i am very proud of you and me! keep posting, as what you have to say will inspire many and help you, too!
I hope you can feel proud of what you have done. I am sitting here just so happy for you. Keep up the great work!
Dianna here,
38 Days...Clean and Sober....Thank God...and you people...
Tridelmom,,,I was just wondering, were you tired for a very long time after you got Clean???
Im not sure if it's part of Recovery or my Liver since I do have Hepatitic C..
I called the Liver Doc. but cannot get an appointment till April 25th...So if you or anyone could tell me if this tiredness is Par for the Course or not I'de greatly appreciate it...
I was really Never one to Really Believe in a God, that was except when I was scared or praying to feel better...But I have been hitting my knees Every Morning and Every Night..I heard someone say at a Meeting that "If you don't hit your knees You will be brought back down to them>" Can't hurt Right?
Well, I Again thank All of You for being here..
We May Not Have It All Together,,,,But Together We Have It All..
Love and Hugs.
38 Days...Clean and Sober....Thank God...and you people...
Tridelmom,,,I was just wondering, were you tired for a very long time after you got Clean???
Im not sure if it's part of Recovery or my Liver since I do have Hepatitic C..
I called the Liver Doc. but cannot get an appointment till April 25th...So if you or anyone could tell me if this tiredness is Par for the Course or not I'de greatly appreciate it...
I was really Never one to Really Believe in a God, that was except when I was scared or praying to feel better...But I have been hitting my knees Every Morning and Every Night..I heard someone say at a Meeting that "If you don't hit your knees You will be brought back down to them>" Can't hurt Right?
Well, I Again thank All of You for being here..
We May Not Have It All Together,,,,But Together We Have It All..
Love and Hugs.
Diana...yes, I stayed tired for a month. I was able to force myself to get going, because it was the Christmas season and I had to. But for me it was pretty hard. B12 helped alot. I have resided myself to the fact that I will never be Superwoman again, and am finally OK with it. Letting the small stuff go and saving the energy for the must do things is one way to get through it! Take care and I wish you continued success!