The start of a 5ml reduction hopefully this will be slow enough to bring down a 50ml tolerance
level down to a 5ml tolerance level enabling me to start subutex then eventually leading to a total drug free situation i so badly need right now.
Rather than view the methadone as a burden dragging you down, remember that it is a medication designed to help you fight cravings and addiciton. Don't be in too much of a hurry to get off as a too-quick taper just gets you back to fighting too hard to resist the cravings. Now I know MM is not for everyone, but jumping off too quickly is a recipe for disaster...there should be no hurry.
Subs are good for some but not all, just like MM. It is harder to use on top of it, but anyone who wants to will use, as you well know. My daughter used to plan her replapses on subs...take a couple of 'days off' from the subs so she could use and feel the high...but once she got to the "I'm done" phase, she took it as prescribed and found herself in recovery.
Hang in there and don't give up...you are worth it!
Peace ~ MomNMore
Subs are good for some but not all, just like MM. It is harder to use on top of it, but anyone who wants to will use, as you well know. My daughter used to plan her replapses on subs...take a couple of 'days off' from the subs so she could use and feel the high...but once she got to the "I'm done" phase, she took it as prescribed and found herself in recovery.
Hang in there and don't give up...you are worth it!
Peace ~ MomNMore
well its been two days now and i cant wait any longer ive been taking it easy for two long now and it just becomes an excuse to stay were iam at after 20 years of methedone and gear i have to get on with thanks for the post thow .
Only 40 mls to go.
Only 40 mls to go.
just over a month since i started reduction although iam not off the stuff completely ive manged to get down to 10mls this is comfortable for me right now the final 10mls will be done with the help off a detox program although this means spending 28 days in a detox unit i feel its the right way forward for me at this time.
Hanging around here reading some of the post ive been very surprised at the amount of support and advice floating about i know most people mean well and i thank you for the post relating to this subject. I do want to say though methadone as a long term treatment is totally flawed in my opinion and experience and my advice to anyone thinking of using methadone as part of a recovery plan should be very careful being addicted to drugs leaves very vulnerable and methadone can seem like a miracle cure when your doing a rattle but its this that makes you easy prey to the vice's of methadone iam all for the drug but only as a short term support whilst coming off heroine once you become addicted to green you will more than likely have two addictions to deal with and its no joke getting off methadone it sometimes can have the opposite effect to what its meant for ultimately becoming as big a problem as the heroine you were trying to come off. I know many people will disagree with me on this stating all the benefits methadone has but after all said and done anyone taking it then has to come off it which can be more difficult than you may think.
If you ever find yourself in a predicament where methadone could be used be very careful you'll do anything and take anything when addicted to drugs . methadone should be used as last resort and for as short a term as possible.
Methadone can ultimately prolong your dependency in the long run. I feel i may of been been off drugs a lot sooner if it wasn't for the methadone. Good Luck to anyone in a situation that may include methadone.
Hanging around here reading some of the post ive been very surprised at the amount of support and advice floating about i know most people mean well and i thank you for the post relating to this subject. I do want to say though methadone as a long term treatment is totally flawed in my opinion and experience and my advice to anyone thinking of using methadone as part of a recovery plan should be very careful being addicted to drugs leaves very vulnerable and methadone can seem like a miracle cure when your doing a rattle but its this that makes you easy prey to the vice's of methadone iam all for the drug but only as a short term support whilst coming off heroine once you become addicted to green you will more than likely have two addictions to deal with and its no joke getting off methadone it sometimes can have the opposite effect to what its meant for ultimately becoming as big a problem as the heroine you were trying to come off. I know many people will disagree with me on this stating all the benefits methadone has but after all said and done anyone taking it then has to come off it which can be more difficult than you may think.
If you ever find yourself in a predicament where methadone could be used be very careful you'll do anything and take anything when addicted to drugs . methadone should be used as last resort and for as short a term as possible.
Methadone can ultimately prolong your dependency in the long run. I feel i may of been been off drugs a lot sooner if it wasn't for the methadone. Good Luck to anyone in a situation that may include methadone.
Could u plse tell me what methadone is because of my sons problems that I had to cope for for 17 years I had. A nervous break down 2 yrs ago and was diag nose with bi polar I take Xanor once to twice a day and seroquel at night now my addict son tells me I am addicted and I need to stop takoing these tablets people I know will take 6 or more A day including my herion addict son
I will never take mor than my prescriobed dosage and it makes my life a little bit more bareable
Am I also now an addict?
From south africa
Could u plse tell me what methadone is because of my sons problems that I had to cope for for 17 years I had. A nervous break down 2 yrs ago and was diag nose with bi polar I take Xanor once to twice a day and seroquel at night now my addict son tells me I am addicted and I need to stop takoing these tablets people I know will take 6 or more A day including my herion addict son
I will never take mor than my prescriobed dosage and it makes my life a little bit more bareable
Am I also now an addict?
From south africa
hi Priscella;
no, you dont sound like your addicted if your taking only what is prescribed to you and you dont want or feel the need to take anymore. ur son is probably just trying to make himself feel better about his own addiction.
I have to agree and not agree on the opinion of methadone though. Your right in one respect in that its a b*** to get off and sometimes along the line its like having another addiction...but on the other hand, its not a high either and damn if It didnt pretty much enable me to get my life back....I know its suppose to be a short term solution but I have to say that I can understand 100% those who stay on it. It fixes something in the way you think...im not saying its the best ever but it has its positives.
Good luck in ur reduction. Ive been also doing the reducing game for about a year now and am almost ready for the jump. Scary and uncomfortable as everyone else here...hope we all make it !
no, you dont sound like your addicted if your taking only what is prescribed to you and you dont want or feel the need to take anymore. ur son is probably just trying to make himself feel better about his own addiction.
I have to agree and not agree on the opinion of methadone though. Your right in one respect in that its a b*** to get off and sometimes along the line its like having another addiction...but on the other hand, its not a high either and damn if It didnt pretty much enable me to get my life back....I know its suppose to be a short term solution but I have to say that I can understand 100% those who stay on it. It fixes something in the way you think...im not saying its the best ever but it has its positives.
Good luck in ur reduction. Ive been also doing the reducing game for about a year now and am almost ready for the jump. Scary and uncomfortable as everyone else here...hope we all make it !
Hi Con
Thank you I thought that much
I have never used any drugs until 2 yrs ago when I start using presriped tablets for
My bipolar
Plse couild you tell me what methadone is and more about heroin addiction as my son
Is a new herion addict and I would like to understand more about it
Have a great day or Is it night that side
From nevergiveup mom
Thank you I thought that much
I have never used any drugs until 2 yrs ago when I start using presriped tablets for
My bipolar
Plse couild you tell me what methadone is and more about heroin addiction as my son
Is a new herion addict and I would like to understand more about it
Have a great day or Is it night that side
From nevergiveup mom
Gosh Priscella, I wouldnt know what to say; no, not really...you need to go over to the family side...you wont be able to understand your sons addiction by trying to understnad the drug...i mean, yes, u can learn about heroin and what it does chemically and the symptons and maybe what to expect in withdrawal, but thats not whats going to save him...u cant do it for him...he has to do it himself...heroin is just a choice, like any choice...it has its own ways about it like any other drug that someone gets addicted to. Jack or Eckie or one of these other ones here could explain its properties and things better than me and what it does....but in the end knowing about heroin isnt going to save him...i know thats not what u probably want to hear but its all i got...really...the family board is where u need to be...I cant tell u what he thinks just because he takes the same drugs....im sorry, i know your upset and hurting...but please...talk to them over there and try what they say...u will be surprised...i promise
good job love
i was shooting 160 mgs of oxycodone per day for several months before getting on suboxone, and i had a great success of it
i realize a lot of people had bigger habits and less support than i did, but i really had a good time of it until i relapsed earlier this mont ...
i saw the relapse coming but wasn't working a program, so that's what happens
i knew i was going to relapse but did nothing to stop it
i felt a little suicidal and didn't care
i feel better now, but ironically i'm in complete withdrawal
i'm in a good environment with sober people who care ... i'm totally glad i came to new york to see one of my best friends to do this
she's a huge support
and the city is a great distraction
of course i could get drugs here
but why?
there are so many other things i could do
there are endless possibilities in this city
it's so alive and exciting!
much more so than my hometown
how's your taper going today?
keep up the great work!!!
I've posted on this site a lot about quitting suboxone and how I did it
cb xoxo
i was shooting 160 mgs of oxycodone per day for several months before getting on suboxone, and i had a great success of it
i realize a lot of people had bigger habits and less support than i did, but i really had a good time of it until i relapsed earlier this mont ...
i saw the relapse coming but wasn't working a program, so that's what happens
i knew i was going to relapse but did nothing to stop it
i felt a little suicidal and didn't care
i feel better now, but ironically i'm in complete withdrawal
i'm in a good environment with sober people who care ... i'm totally glad i came to new york to see one of my best friends to do this
she's a huge support
and the city is a great distraction
of course i could get drugs here
but why?
there are so many other things i could do
there are endless possibilities in this city
it's so alive and exciting!
much more so than my hometown
how's your taper going today?
keep up the great work!!!
I've posted on this site a lot about quitting suboxone and how I did it
cb xoxo
Hey CB, strange how we always know were heading for that road long before we actually hit it...glad ur feeling better...dont laugh but i think i can relate...its like getting a tatoo...the pain in a way feels good...soothes the soul somehow...so, ya, I get it when u say ur wding but ur feeling better...were all crazy probably..lol...taper is going...oh...well...its going...im good after the drop stabalizes...about 5 days after ...but until then...feeling a little like u probably are...u thinking of staying off this time or ?...going back on the subs or anything ?...dont mean to pry, just conversation for our heads...sending you good vibes for the ride...hope it doesnt get too bad for you...I grabbed a meeting, their token heroin addict but what the hey...better than climbing the walls....how bout you ?...