57 Days ---sub

Hey all, 57 days, feeling good, looking forward to getting off sub... Hope to be with in the next 3 weeks if my taper goes as planned..

GHF, thanks man , for your words of encourgement on my post the other day. Man, that means a lot.. everyone needs , keep up the good work talk everyonce and a while especially us addicts... Congr. on your new baby... thats great man.. I don't have my daughter this weekend... and I miss her bunch... I was suppose to had to work today, so I told her Mom to keep her.. Then my work schedule got changed and I ended up not having to work... I been thinking about her all day... Crazy, how worried I get... Her Mom was taking her to a huge zoo in the local area, the kind you drive through then they have the petty zoo at the end... I called her Mom this morning, and reminded her, about all those kids getting sick from petting zoo's in Flordia... I guess ya'll know what Iam talking about... anyway I told her , go buy some clorox wipes before you go and make her wipe her hands clean after touching any animals... Her Mom is like I will, you worry to much.... maybe so, but I had to say it anyway....
So , I spent the day around the house doing a few chores I been putting off and watching some t.v... It was a beautiful day here today... around 70 degrees.. sunny. I should have been outside doing something... but I decided to stay in and do the house stuff... Iam just glad Iam sobe and not using.... I seen on the news here a pharamicst was arrested for murder, for giving some girl some huge amount of oxycontin.... it was real short coverage... But, this problem of opiate abuse is huge, and I feel lucky to be clean...
I do look forward to being totally clean, off sub I mean,,, But I swear its saved my life...
Hope all is well
were you given the sub for oxycontin? Tracey

You should go back to the day you first posted and chech how it compares to how you are now. It is amazing how far you have come my friend. Sometimes when I am having a bad day I scroll back to my posts in December and January and it makes me feel good to see my progress.

How old is your daughter? I love being a dad. I was feeding my daugther at 2am last night and would not have traded that for all the money in the world. Just watching that innocent little girl so content in my arms almost took my breath away. Little girls are the best. I love it!

Talk to you soon!
Hey Sam,

Glad to see you doing well. My little girl had a sleep over at a friends house last night. She is very talkative , so the whole house was quiet. They sure do grow up fast.
** What is your taper plan ?
** I have been staying between .5 mill and 1 mill . I had planned to be just at the .5 mill level by now but can seen to hold it there for more than a day. What I feel comfortable at is .5 in the morning and another .5 when around 3 pm . It really is amazing how powerful the stuff is . That .5 mill makes a big difference to me now and just 5 weeks ago I was downing 12 mill . That was crazy.
** My plan starting this week is to try to break the .5 into halves and take .25 in the morning and .25 around 3 pm . If I can do this for a week , then I might just make the final break and deal with ( hopefull minor ) withdraws . I expect the w/d to last for a couple weeks before I feel normal.
** I have not drank any alcohol in 40 days, which is a first for me.That was easy compared to the pills. I cant wait to be free of this Sub .
Lets both keep our momentum going forward as best as we can .
