Hello everyone,
My name is Sara. I am new here, but not new to this problem.
You wake up, if you were able to get any sleep at all. Pain levels not too bad, but the craving for the Hydrocodone out weighs everything else.
You pop a few. Depending on the dose, if you have 5/500 mg, then pop about 6. If you have a higher dose on hand, you pop a couple of those. Always thinking and looking for new ways to get more. Have my own methods. Always legal prescriptions, but if I knew how to buy them some other way., cheaper, I would.
Day begins. All you can think about is when is the next dose due. I was hit by a drunk driver a few years ago, while crossing the street. Fractured skull, broken jaw, and broken pelvis. Took a long time to recover after numerous surgeries, physical therapy, etc. NOT looking for a pity party. Already threw my own. (Smile)
Still have pain, but the the pain of the pill craving is the worst. Do I want to stop?? Not sure, have been on pain meds 3 years, forgot what life was life before that.
Sure, have husband hide them, try to taper down......Only to taper back up.
Sorry to be rambling. I am just glad I found this website.
The pills are always always on my mind. I don't know I want. Wait, just my life back without pain.
Blessings to all
Hi Sara,
Welcome to the board. You will find lots of caring and understanding people here who will gladly give you alot of support. Keep posting. I know its hard.
Welcome to the board. You will find lots of caring and understanding people here who will gladly give you alot of support. Keep posting. I know its hard.
HI SARA, I know exactly what you are feeling, i was on 15-20 10/500mg of Lortab a day for about 5 years due to severe back pain but I had surgery and I am feeling lots better. I have tried and failed many time to get off the pills but the w/d was too severe, I am now on Suboxone I couldnt stand the pills any longer..the whole thing, the counting the pills wondering if I would have enough to last but never do, sick of seeing drs to get rhe rx, the pharmacy asking why I'm getting rxs from so many drs. worrying what to do if I run out...You probably know the rat race! I try to remember all that if I start to think about the pills! So far it has been 11 days for me. I am glad I found this message board, even if I don't write alot I still like to read the posts, they are very helpful. Hang in Write me anytime.
Hi Sad Sara,
I know first hand what your going through. I was on hydro (vikes) for years because of Rheumatoid Arthritis, but the addiction took over and I lost control of my life. I don't really know what to say because I don't feel your pain. Only you can decide if the pain is bearable without the pills. The sad reality of it all is that you are not going to be able to take them for the rest of your life. Your body builds a tolerance, and you are going to need more and more to acheive the same effect. There will come a day of reckoning, but like I said only you know your pain. I have found out in the last couple of weeks that 800mg of Ibuprofen relieves my pain enough that I can function. That could change, and I will deal with that if and when it comes. I wish you luck and welcome, there are some many wonderful people here.
I know first hand what your going through. I was on hydro (vikes) for years because of Rheumatoid Arthritis, but the addiction took over and I lost control of my life. I don't really know what to say because I don't feel your pain. Only you can decide if the pain is bearable without the pills. The sad reality of it all is that you are not going to be able to take them for the rest of your life. Your body builds a tolerance, and you are going to need more and more to acheive the same effect. There will come a day of reckoning, but like I said only you know your pain. I have found out in the last couple of weeks that 800mg of Ibuprofen relieves my pain enough that I can function. That could change, and I will deal with that if and when it comes. I wish you luck and welcome, there are some many wonderful people here.
Sad Sarah quotes-"Do I want to stop?? Not sure
The pills are always always on my mind. I don't know I want."
Hi and Welcome.You will know when you are ready to quit and it doesnt sound like your there.Thats o.k.Having all those ambiquious feelings is something we all have at one time.Unfortunately,being partialy committed isnt enough.Withdrawls are a b*tch and you will have to want it from your gut.
A good barometer I use is "When the pain of using far exceeds the pain of getting clean".
It will continue to get worse.Your habit may seem excessive to you but many were taking much more than that.
Its a progressive disease and the pain of withdrawls grow exponentialy with the increased doses.
Good Luck in your decision.
The pills are always always on my mind. I don't know I want."
Hi and Welcome.You will know when you are ready to quit and it doesnt sound like your there.Thats o.k.Having all those ambiquious feelings is something we all have at one time.Unfortunately,being partialy committed isnt enough.Withdrawls are a b*tch and you will have to want it from your gut.
A good barometer I use is "When the pain of using far exceeds the pain of getting clean".
It will continue to get worse.Your habit may seem excessive to you but many were taking much more than that.
Its a progressive disease and the pain of withdrawls grow exponentialy with the increased doses.
Good Luck in your decision.
Hi Sara:
I'm so sorry for your pain. I live with the question of what do we do with the pain when the pain pills turn us into addicts? I decided I had rather live with the pain than with the Lortabs and the pain considering after taking Lortabs for a long time, they give you no relief. I was just putting it off b/c I was so afraid of the WD's.
Went through this in my 30's - now in my 40's - can't believe I started them again but to think about life with no pain was a wonderful thought. This time was so much easier to stop - I give creit to this forum. I learned of all of the OTC meds that can help, what is best to eat - supplements, etc and the WD's were nothing like they were when I went cold turkey in my 30's. Also, the WD's didn't last as long.
There are some wonderful people here who have a lot of inforrmation and are happy to help anyone. I have learned more since 5/31 when I first saw this message board than in all of the years I took the Lortabs and I was 36 when I took my 1st one.
My pain is Arthritis/Fibromyalgia and I can pretty much live with the day to day pain - it's the flare-ups that really do me in. I have anywhere from 4-6 of those a year and I am just in bed for the most part until they pass. I get up and park myself in the den during the night b/c there's no sleep when you are in that kind of pain. I read that you already know about that. In the beginning Ambien/sleeping pill helped me but I don't even ask for them anymore b/c if I'm having a flare-up, there's just not gonna be any sleeping going on.
I know I wanted away from the Lortabs b/c I wanted myself back. I am getting close to 50 and one of my sons and his wife are talking about starting a family and I want to be myself when I have that first grandchild. I have said it before - these pills take your mind and your body, I plan on staying away from them before they kill my spirit. I am tired of feeling numb. I want to live again.
Welcome and good luck.
Will talk with you soon.
Love, Jean
I'm so sorry for your pain. I live with the question of what do we do with the pain when the pain pills turn us into addicts? I decided I had rather live with the pain than with the Lortabs and the pain considering after taking Lortabs for a long time, they give you no relief. I was just putting it off b/c I was so afraid of the WD's.
Went through this in my 30's - now in my 40's - can't believe I started them again but to think about life with no pain was a wonderful thought. This time was so much easier to stop - I give creit to this forum. I learned of all of the OTC meds that can help, what is best to eat - supplements, etc and the WD's were nothing like they were when I went cold turkey in my 30's. Also, the WD's didn't last as long.
There are some wonderful people here who have a lot of inforrmation and are happy to help anyone. I have learned more since 5/31 when I first saw this message board than in all of the years I took the Lortabs and I was 36 when I took my 1st one.
My pain is Arthritis/Fibromyalgia and I can pretty much live with the day to day pain - it's the flare-ups that really do me in. I have anywhere from 4-6 of those a year and I am just in bed for the most part until they pass. I get up and park myself in the den during the night b/c there's no sleep when you are in that kind of pain. I read that you already know about that. In the beginning Ambien/sleeping pill helped me but I don't even ask for them anymore b/c if I'm having a flare-up, there's just not gonna be any sleeping going on.
I know I wanted away from the Lortabs b/c I wanted myself back. I am getting close to 50 and one of my sons and his wife are talking about starting a family and I want to be myself when I have that first grandchild. I have said it before - these pills take your mind and your body, I plan on staying away from them before they kill my spirit. I am tired of feeling numb. I want to live again.
Welcome and good luck.
Will talk with you soon.
Love, Jean
I saw a drug counseler today for the 1st time and here are 3 things he told me to put in fromt of me and it really struck something inside me I hope it will help you.
1. My addiction is a side affect of my medication.
2. I AM a GOOD person.
3. I need a new type of treatment.
Everyone on here may think this is corney, but it really helped me to try to think of my addiction in a different way and not to feel so bad about myself. I thought I might share this with you and I hope you find the answers you are looking for.
1. My addiction is a side affect of my medication.
2. I AM a GOOD person.
3. I need a new type of treatment.
Everyone on here may think this is corney, but it really helped me to try to think of my addiction in a different way and not to feel so bad about myself. I thought I might share this with you and I hope you find the answers you are looking for.