A Hear Ya Con

f*** me,another yank,
i hope u r not sufferin too badly honeybunch,ive just come in the door it,s 11-30pm,brit time.we had a small party for ma baby today.i think im starting work next week and it,s right good money too,it,s down in london though which suits me as u get b&b plus25 per night on top of your wages so u can live,means when i come home i will have all my wages.con ive flew a few times in withdrawal and to b honest the fear of what might happen is the worst of it.tell the stewards that u r not feeling too good and they should try and get u on that seat near the door so u can stretch out.i dont know what,s wrong but sounds like your wee granny is poorly.hope she gets well doll.i got a new car last night which i am so happy with,means i dont have to ask cruella for ours.anyway con,believe me pal,im thinkin of u all the time and hope u r ok,,,no surrender.....eck..x
oh ya...a yank...but not something i claim too often.......thanks for your words Eck...cruella...LOL...oh thats good...i LIKE that name...can i borrow it for mine too ? LOL,,,,new car...most excellent....not really a car person...typical VW bug type of girl...which means i dont have one anymore and drive whatever runs :)....im tired eck but doing ok...feel like maybe that new car of yours ran over me a few times this morning.. hah..no surrender...ouch
Bus is next, Con...........getting hit by the bus...........but before ya know it you'll be through the other side.

Like Eckie said "No Surrender".

VW bug.............what ya a hippie.........German's do make the best cars though don't they................just stay tough, Con. O.K., K?