A Little About Me..............

Hi All,
I just wanted to pop in and say thanks to those of you who took the time to post to me. When I originally made this post I was responding to another thread but decided to make a new thread, and after what I just saw here today , I am glad I made a new thread. That wasnt an easy post for me to make so I appreciate those that took the time to read and respond to it. It's easy to lose focus here. I have myself in the past. Today I choose not to do that anymore. There are some things that were said on other threads today that i didnt care for but I am gonna do what i said and keep my opinions to myself. I no longer choose to waste time argueing with anyone. It is very unproductive. Some wont post to me because of who my friends are. I think that is a shame and is very judgemental, but I wont let it bother me. Its none of my opinion of what others think of me. As long as I do the next right thing I will be ok. I dont have the need to "prove" I am right on any issue anymore. Its really not that important to me anymore. And Bob I am glad that you posted to me here, I thank you for your support. Its the same as when you leave me a note or share in a meeting that I am speaking at, or sharing at. I may not always agree with you as some on here think I do but I am glad to have you by my side. I love you. Kate, I will post my story over on cgrg, I will add to it there. Some of my story I didnt think appropriate for a message board. Today I am happy to be clean and sober. I just got home from getting my EMG today so I am alittle tired. Hope I never have to get one of those again! ever!! lol take care everyone !!!God bless

love to you all,
Wow this is more than i have ever read from you.It is healing for me to write or post when i can actually get it out of me.
I have a hard time posting about my feelings.There is growth in this here and you should be proud.
I can relate with what you said here..." As long as I do the next right thing I will be ok. "
that's all that matters to me too.As long as i stay true to myself and be the best person i can be each day...then i am a happy person..I have to remember it is about progress and not perfection.As long as i am trying to be a better person i can go to sleep feeling good about me.Somedays are tougher than others for me but i don't give up.I used to tho.Thanks for sharing and i hope you are well.
I saw your response yesterday and I wasnt gonna post to it. I talked to someone , Im sure you know who. Anyway I found out you had nothing to do with what had happened. I'm glad I didnt say anything before this. Thank you for your post, means alot to me. I have known you for some time now , I should of known better. I will send you an email soon.

love ya,
gina :)
PS...lol remind me to never open up on this board again ...my dear friends...
I have read your story and knowing you as I do I know that it took great courage to tell your story.... and there is soo much in there .. the feelings that I can relate to ...
I know the pain of resentments and how they can create a prision for us..and those are not so easily healed... I found that I had resentments that were buried and they came out in surprising ways and it was only through some very smart people in the rooms that I realized that those resentments were what was holding me back in my recovery...

My family is sooo messed up and I worry daily if that is going to be carried over to my daughter.. but..all I can do is do what I am doing and turn the rest over to my Higher Power.... and tha is all any one of us can do.... Living through getting clean and living a clean life is tough dear gina and most of the time it is an inside job.. it appears through your post that you are doing the work and have been.... I am proud of you, my friend.. and I know it aint easy....

love ya...
I must have been typing when you posted that...

thank you, gina