I went to a meeting today, and found out the topic to be very amusing, to say the least.
I always get what I need to hear there....todays topic was on tolerance of other people.
There was a bizarre woman there that was talking and talking and talking, and it made really no sense. That kind of thing scares me, because by going there, I feel like I am placing myself on that level. It makes me wonder about my own sanity going there with people like that. I shared that with my sponsor, and she reminded me that some are just sicker than others, and those are the ones that we need to pray for. She told me not to worry, just let them rant, maybe they feel it does them some good.
I just thought that I would share, for some reason, that just might be helpful on this forum someday.
Happy Serenity to you all...
lol...wise sponsor.
hi none, your up! what was your email...lol....easy one...
I am going to shoot you my addy..
I am going to shoot you my addy..
Do you still need it? I posted before.... If you send your addy, I'll try to get some digital pics of my kids to share. My daughter's the photographer around here. Very talented that way.
I sent you one...did you get it?
<message removed> (user request)
None, send pics of you and the kids to me as well danni80419@aol.com
Kerry, I know what you mean..... When I go to my pain management doctor, I've often asked him if he's sure that these people really need the drugs or if they need a good psychiatrist. It's very common to see 25% of the people sitting there, talking to themselves, doing crazy things... I think "I don't belong here."
But maybe I'm as crazy as they are.... I'm just better at covering it up with nice clothes... LOL
Kerry, I know what you mean..... When I go to my pain management doctor, I've often asked him if he's sure that these people really need the drugs or if they need a good psychiatrist. It's very common to see 25% of the people sitting there, talking to themselves, doing crazy things... I think "I don't belong here."
But maybe I'm as crazy as they are.... I'm just better at covering it up with nice clothes... LOL
Kerry -- didn't get it, but the yahoo addy is working now, as I sent myself a test email. Maybe check the addy again? I can repost it if youcan't find it. Tx
Tolerance. What a wonderful thought.
Thanks Kerry;
Thanks Kerry;
Danni, how are you doin, girl?