well, today hubby went to work all day. he's doing so good. but, he is still getting anxioty at night (only). why is that. he feels fine all day long until the night falls. last night he finally slept for 5 hrs, AWESOME!
i'm so pround of him, he also wants to know if anyone knows about this double vision thing. poor thing keeps trying to focus but blurry sometimes.
will that go away and be normal?
as for me, i'm still waiting for my dr. to call me back. i put the call in yesterday, i know on tuesdays he's in surgery, if i don't hear from him tomorrow should i just go to the hospital? i'm scared to do it the way my hubby did. he's a lot stronger then i am.
thanks all and
god bless us all
I recommend going to a detox. if you have insurance of any kind it should be covered. I hope you are successful but as I said I recommend detox. i could NEVER have made it at home. Good luck.