hey i am 16 years old and for the past 7 months i have been takin es every weekend and i think that i am addicted. i cant go a weekend without them and take up to 8 in one night.i get very depressed during the week and feel my life isnt worth living sumtimes, one night when i couldnt get es i tried to slit my wrists, thats how bad the addiction is. i dont think i ll ever be able to stop and its wreckin my life and family and everything. what are you supposed to do, i thought u coodnt become addicted to es
please speak to someone you are only 16 years old, you have your whole life ahead of you.
People can get addicted to anything, doesnt even have to be drugs, There are people addicted to the internet, sex, gambling. Addiction is when something takes control of your life. If you are feeling like you have to use e ,...then you should consider yourself addicted.best wishes