A Quick Question

I am a 120mg-200mg per day user of oxycotin. They are not percribed I get them on the street and I snort them. I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled and the doc put me to sleep. I thought for sure I would be in full blown withdrawl when I got out but due to the meds he must have given me I felt good. It has now been 2 weeks sence the surgery and my usage has gone way down (40mg per day) and I dont have any withdrawl symtoms like I would of had before being put under. I feel I could just stop without the pain of withdrawl. Has anyone ever experienced this after being put under?
Nope, NEVER heard of such a thing.But starnger things have happened. Hey, if you think you could stop using right now and have no withdrawl's DO IT....... Don't want to give your body time to re-adjust to the meds and then have you in withdrawls. I suggest stopping now and see what happens. That's if your truely ready to put an end to it. I know several people other than this board that had a really hard time getting off oxy's,so good luck to you! Rae
What rea said
Good look
Thanks, thats what im doing trying to stop. I just cant get over how my mind really wants me to use but I have no physical withdrawl symtoms. Its really weird I keep waiting for the leg pain, the chills no energy. Maybe Its just a sign that this is my chance and to go with it.

Dear Emac You get your off the street.Not to be nasty(really)but isn't that costing you alot of $$$$ I had a so called friend that use to give them to me for free(I guess he wanted more than friendship)so when I wouldn't do what he wanted he stopped giving them.I'm thankful for that because with my addictive personality it was only flirting with danger.But I have heard that they are alot of money on the streeet....mollyjean
Molly, they are ALOT of money! I used to buy mine off the street, too and paid $1 per mg!!! I'd buy them in 80 mgs every day.....$80.00 A DAY!!! I was wiping our funds out. But at the time I didn't care. Withdrawling from OCs was the hardest thing I've ever done. I will NEVER go there again!

I think if you have no w'ds right now you should definately stop. Good for you for making the decision to quit. I know yhat you can do it!!! God bless! Jess
I agree with sugarbear if your not having the w/d go for it and quit in the long run you'll be so thankful
Yes, they cost alot about $100.00 for an 80mg pill. I have gone through my savings maxxed my credit cards. I have done everything to avoid the withdrawls because they are hell. I am on my second day of being oxy free. I know i can do it its just the mental part of wanting to get high. Its so tough!!!!!!!!! I also keep waiting for the physical withdrawl to start. Im tired and lazy but like I said no leg cramps, no stomach problems, no chills. I have been through withdrawl before and the pain was so tough i couldnt get through the second day. I am more determined this time I am going to beat this disease before it kills me!!!!

Thanks for listening to me

Emac, you may have stumbled upon a way to detox withdrawal free.
I wonder if there is something scientific to what happened to you. Im going to ask my doc.

E-Mac- You are making the right decision. And if you are two days off and don't feel any wd's, my bet is you won't and my bet is ON YOU...
E-mac what did you have surgury for? Was something fixed that was causing you severe pain?
I had my wisdom teeth pulled. My surgery was not a standard pull. I had a sist on my jaw and one of my teeth was into my nasel cavity. It hurt alot!!!! The doc did give me perks for the pain but as you can guess with my tolerence they didnt do much good.
If anyone learns anything about what has happened please let me know.

Thanks everyone I will need help with the mental part of getting off these demon pills. Thank you for listening to me also. It helps alot!!!!


Hi, Emac
My 28 year old son is a very nice guy who took a very wrong turn in the road. He got addicted to oxy and now heroin. He wanted to stop and couldn't. He also couldn't afford the amount he needed and started to write bad checks, not pay his bills, and steal to keep using. It is definitely worth a try before you get to where my son is....in the county prison detoxing and waiting for trial. Don't know what is ahead for him. I am heartbroken to see my son in this situation! Please learn from my son's mistakes.

I think God has given you a wonderful gift. Please make use of it!

P.S. for the mental part you might want to try hypnosis. That is what I'm going to recommend to my son if and when he's clean.