You have taught me so much in the past 7+ months and I am truly grateful...and I have the desire to share with you some of my wealth of knowledge and maybe if Brookie isn't too busy working, she'll pop in and share with you too....
Okay, so I know learning something that is totally foreign to some is hard so I will start out as simply as I can....
Nascar is not a sport but a way of life....
When we tailgate, it isn't for a few hours before a game, it's 2 days before a race...
The Daytona 500 is our Superbowl and it's the first race of the season, not the last like football...
We are totally, and I mean totally, loyal to our driver & teammates....Jeff Gordon is my driver, I buy only Dupont product and drink Pepsi product and Jimmie Johnson is his teammate #48 and he drives for Lowe's which means I never shop at Home Depot...
Dale Earnhardt Jr. (whom we just refer to as JR or Junebug) drives the Bud car and when Jeff beats him, his little nation of fans throw Budweiser cans at my Pepsi car...LOL...
So, how we doing so far?
OMG Stace, that's scary. So why do you tailgate for 2 days? I mean, if you can't get drunk, what's the point? For me, that's like going to Sturgis sober, why?? Getting high was 95% of it. Well, at least your guy is sponsored by non alcoholic beverages LOL So you can't wear Lowe's shirts with Pepsi pants and Budweiser socks? Would that be a faux pas?
<sigh> You don't have to drink to have fun...Trust me, sometimes it's entertaining watching the drunks <eg> camp out or like me, stay in a hotel and go to the track to watch qualifying (the fatest time gets the best starting position), buy the purdy colored shirts & hats, look at all the memorbilia, actually meet new Nascar fans and bullsh*t about how your driver is the best and theirs sucks, eat good, redneck food and the best part of all, when they fire up the engines....No other sound in the world is that powerful...and, when life is good, you get to go into the Pits and watch them work on the cars & meet the drivers...
Now, you cannot mix & match driver's attire but there is an exception, and that is you can wear #8 Dale Jr. & #3 Dale Earnhardt together as it's a father & son thing and since we lost Dale Sr. 6 years ago, it's also a tribute....Ask my hubby as he is still wearing all his #3 attire with the #8 hat....
So, how we doing so far?
Here's some more....You root for the manufature of your driver alas #24 is a Chevy so if Jeff is taken out of the race (due to some idiot inexperienced driver, and there are a few of them) then I can root for his teammates or any other Chevy....I do not root for Fords but sometimes I like Dodge and no matter what, Toyota is not a good thing.....(okay, where's Brookie)....
So, how we doing?
Now, you cannot mix & match driver's attire but there is an exception, and that is you can wear #8 Dale Jr. & #3 Dale Earnhardt together as it's a father & son thing and since we lost Dale Sr. 6 years ago, it's also a tribute....Ask my hubby as he is still wearing all his #3 attire with the #8 hat....
So, how we doing so far?
Here's some more....You root for the manufature of your driver alas #24 is a Chevy so if Jeff is taken out of the race (due to some idiot inexperienced driver, and there are a few of them) then I can root for his teammates or any other Chevy....I do not root for Fords but sometimes I like Dodge and no matter what, Toyota is not a good thing.....(okay, where's Brookie)....
So, how we doing?
So who drives a GEO Tracker? I can root for them. And no, you don't have to drink to have fun, missy, but if I am going to stand around getting dirty, screaming, acting like an idiot and wearing wierd colored clothes I would like to blame it on alcohol. Especially the acting like an idiot part. I think I would pick my favorite driver by what color his clothes are. Kinda like the same way I vote. (JK)
PS Friday is Brookie's day off. She's probably snoring somewhere.
PS Friday is Brookie's day off. She's probably snoring somewhere.
LMAO...I doubt if anyone of the drivers have ever drove a Tracker....
Okay, here's how you pick a driver...(unless your born into this, like my son, and you're brainwashed from birth)
Ask you want nice guy or hot head?
Single or Married?
Attitude or gracious?
Good looking or cute?
Winner or loser?
Alcohol sponsor or Non?
Oh, yeah, and it helps if they know how to drive the racecar....
And when you watch race, remember, you're loyal to your driver and anybody that hits him, wrecks him or trash talks him, you totally instantly hate and continue to do so until your driver forgives them....but you always remember who has screwed with you in the past because years later it can (and it does, ask JR and Carl back and retalitation can happen...sometimes it's 3 years later but your driver always pays back somebody that screwed with him or wrecked him.....
Ahh, where is Matt Kenseth? lol....
How are we doing?
Brookie....Wake up from your nap...I know she was awake earlier as she e-mailed me some of the breaking news in Nascar....
Okay, here's how you pick a driver...(unless your born into this, like my son, and you're brainwashed from birth)
Ask you want nice guy or hot head?
Single or Married?
Attitude or gracious?
Good looking or cute?
Winner or loser?
Alcohol sponsor or Non?
Oh, yeah, and it helps if they know how to drive the racecar....
And when you watch race, remember, you're loyal to your driver and anybody that hits him, wrecks him or trash talks him, you totally instantly hate and continue to do so until your driver forgives them....but you always remember who has screwed with you in the past because years later it can (and it does, ask JR and Carl back and retalitation can happen...sometimes it's 3 years later but your driver always pays back somebody that screwed with him or wrecked him.....
Ahh, where is Matt Kenseth? lol....
How are we doing?
Brookie....Wake up from your nap...I know she was awake earlier as she e-mailed me some of the breaking news in Nascar....
And when you watch race, remember, you're loyal to your driver and anybody that hits him
You mean I have to actually WATCH the race? I don't think so.
You mean I have to actually WATCH the race? I don't think so.
Who is #18? Do you know? My daughters b/f races at a local track (scares me) and I think he is a fan of number 18...Hell if I can remember! His family and my daughter are reeeeeeally into the racing thing...Work on the car all winter long....summers are spent racing....They even have "baby" ear protection for the twins when they go see their Daddy race...The track is way too loud for me lol...btw Pepsi is a huge addiction for me :)
Who is #18? Do you know? My daughters b/f races at a local track (scares me) and I think he is a fan of number 18...Hell if I can remember! His family and my daughter are reeeeeeally into the racing thing...Work on the car all winter long....summers are spent racing....They even have "baby" ear protection for the twins when they go see their Daddy race...The track is way too loud for me lol...btw Pepsi is a huge addiction for me :)
Hi Jan...
#18 is J.J. Yeley...Interstate Battery car...he was a rookie last year but a very talented young man...prior to last year, it was Bobby Labonte who held that number for many years and is a past champion (plus cute)...
Racing is a huge addiction for me, even got my teenage daughter watching it with me but she reminds me of Miss
I hear you on the ear youngest son insists on going to all the races with us and we've had him in ear plugs since he was very tiny....
We have a local track next city over that Nascar came in over the winter & helped rebank it and pave it so everyone is hoping that maybe we'll get some Nascar affiliated races here....
And Miss Katbird, of course you have to WATCH the race...OMG, how are you ever going to know who did what and what happened if you don't watch it....and after you watch the race, you make sure you discuss all the details as YOU saw it happen with all your co-workers and Nascar friends on Monday....this is a ritual....
#18 is J.J. Yeley...Interstate Battery car...he was a rookie last year but a very talented young man...prior to last year, it was Bobby Labonte who held that number for many years and is a past champion (plus cute)...
Racing is a huge addiction for me, even got my teenage daughter watching it with me but she reminds me of Miss
I hear you on the ear youngest son insists on going to all the races with us and we've had him in ear plugs since he was very tiny....
We have a local track next city over that Nascar came in over the winter & helped rebank it and pave it so everyone is hoping that maybe we'll get some Nascar affiliated races here....
And Miss Katbird, of course you have to WATCH the race...OMG, how are you ever going to know who did what and what happened if you don't watch it....and after you watch the race, you make sure you discuss all the details as YOU saw it happen with all your co-workers and Nascar friends on Monday....this is a ritual....
Jan, Are you talking about Waterford Speed bowl? My sisters husband was the manager there for years. He just left last year because E.B. sent him to Virginia to work. My niece has raced there and my brother in laws brother races there. Shantel
Yep WTFD Speed Bowl...I haven't been there in...well...many, many years...I can hear the races at my house though...Wow!
Yep WTFD Speed Bowl...I haven't been there in...well...many, many years...I can hear the races at my house though...Wow!
Stacey, I am very sad that you know all that and even sadder that you didn't have to look it up first. I am going to call my sponsor.
Hey Ya'll...
Stacey, are you in Cali? Near the racetrack in the wine country???
Kat....I cannot believe she knows it all either!?!? I remember when I was a kid, racing was for rednecks only. People made fun of people for liking, it is this huge industry and represents the fastest growing sport in America.
Thanks to Tom Cruise and Paul Newman, perhaps???
Hey Miss Jan!
Hey Shantell!
Just wanted to pop in and ask Stacey about Cali and say hello!
Have a great weekend!
Stacey, are you in Cali? Near the racetrack in the wine country???
Kat....I cannot believe she knows it all either!?!? I remember when I was a kid, racing was for rednecks only. People made fun of people for liking, it is this huge industry and represents the fastest growing sport in America.
Thanks to Tom Cruise and Paul Newman, perhaps???
Hey Miss Jan!
Hey Shantell!
Just wanted to pop in and ask Stacey about Cali and say hello!
Have a great weekend!
I remember when I was a kid, racing was for rednecks only. People made fun of people for liking it... |
Ahh, I feel in love with a redneck & have redneck children....hell, my Labrador's AKC name is Bud E Weiser....yes, for the #8 Budweiser car and the big E for Earnhardt Sr....god, I love my husband....
He's trying to teach me, be who you are and screw what anybody thinks about you....
Jan, I'm jealous...I would love to hear racing from my house....I will admit on Sunday's my neighbors can hear it blaring from my TV....I asked my hubby for a sound system & surround sound but he said the city has an ordinance on the noise level in town...
Yes, I live in No. California....I'm about an hour to an hour & a half away from Sears Point Raceway (now, known as Infineon) and we go every year when the boys come to town.....You wanna know how bad I've got it, on the Wednesday prior to the race, I work off the freeway so I sit outside all day and watch the BIG purdy trailers drive by hauling the cars & wave....
Hell, I was just getting started with the teaching...I still have a lot more upstairs...hell, where's Brookie?
I think for this weekend, I'm giving you #20 Tony Stewart (Home Depot car) as your remind me of him and it's such a bright, pretty orange
I come from a long line of rednecks myself Stacey!
No wonder we hit it off so easily.....
You can't tell I'm excited that the green flag is going to drop tomorrow after MONTHS of no racing, can you?
I live Nascar.....
You can't tell I'm excited that the green flag is going to drop tomorrow after MONTHS of no racing, can you?
I live Nascar.....
I like orange.
I like Northern Cali
Hey Sarah and everybody. I took a mental health day off from work. (LOL). Have been in my p.j's all day laying in bed. Don't plan on doing a thing for the rest of the night. I never watch t.v. during the day because I am usually at work but I just watched Ellen and she had me laughing. Have a great weekend everyone
Jan, Last year I took my mother in-law to the speedbowl she was up here from Texas. She loved it. Have you heard of Billy R. or Kenny H. Billy is my brother in law and Kenny races there still. Shantel
Jan, Last year I took my mother in-law to the speedbowl she was up here from Texas. She loved it. Have you heard of Billy R. or Kenny H. Billy is my brother in law and Kenny races there still. Shantel
Right on..#20 Home Depot (which is my rival)...Tony Stewart is probably the most talented race car driver in our sport with a big ego and quick tempered....You can go from loving him to shaking your head at him within moments, some people hate him....but, at the very end of the day, he always speaks the truth and doesn't sugar coat anything and the media has an absolute field day with it....and, on the flip side, he donates a LOT of money and time to charity...he has a huge heart and loves children, hates adults but loves kids...
Best part, you have a driver like me that people HATE....and it is so much fun when they heckle you and then you go & kick their drivers a** & win...LOL...
I'm going to need a meeting soon....I am getting way too excited....My husband just called me and he's as bad as I am today....Calls me up and taunting me about Dale Jr. kicking my a** and hangs up on me....LOL...
That's why he hasn't divorced me yet....I can talk Nascar with him for hours...
Edit: Sarah, anytime you want to come out to No. Calif let me know...everything is within 2 hours of where I live & I would enjoy spending time and taking you to all the sites....It is gorgeous out here....
Best part, you have a driver like me that people HATE....and it is so much fun when they heckle you and then you go & kick their drivers a** & win...LOL...
I'm going to need a meeting soon....I am getting way too excited....My husband just called me and he's as bad as I am today....Calls me up and taunting me about Dale Jr. kicking my a** and hangs up on me....LOL...
That's why he hasn't divorced me yet....I can talk Nascar with him for hours...
Edit: Sarah, anytime you want to come out to No. Calif let me know...everything is within 2 hours of where I live & I would enjoy spending time and taking you to all the sites....It is gorgeous out here....
Hey My Peeps,
I got into racing because my step dad raced. My husband races.
Then a friend of mine raced motorcycles every Wed night. Then I got like 8970 tickets for driving too fast.. jk
You either like it or you don't just like football to me is non interesting. I like more of the stories behind the drivers than the race itself. Meaning when you read about their personal lives, how they got started, where they came from, their accomplishment, it makes the race worth following. When you follow a driver or drivers story he almost become like a friend you have never met if that makes sense. You want that driver to win so badly you can taste it. If I didn't know who was who in the nascar circuit, I more than likely wouldn't take as much of an interest in it like I do now.
Growing up around race car fanatics, I got into it. Not like Stacey is, girl you are a true nascar fan. I do not have clothing or hats, I have one Dale Sr coffee cup that I have had for years.
I am and will always be an Earnhardt fan. His death crushed me, Just could not believe it. I didn't know him personally, but like I said when you follow someone or stalk them in my case, they do become a part of you.
Yes I have the NASCAR channel programmed in on my XM in my SUV..
Stacey you are a die-hard fan 100%. I am just a fan.
I love watching and listening to you, the excitement, your love of the sport. It does make me smile.
A REDNECK GIRL LIKE ME ...... HELL YEAH.. as Gretchen would sing.
I got into racing because my step dad raced. My husband races.
Then a friend of mine raced motorcycles every Wed night. Then I got like 8970 tickets for driving too fast.. jk
You either like it or you don't just like football to me is non interesting. I like more of the stories behind the drivers than the race itself. Meaning when you read about their personal lives, how they got started, where they came from, their accomplishment, it makes the race worth following. When you follow a driver or drivers story he almost become like a friend you have never met if that makes sense. You want that driver to win so badly you can taste it. If I didn't know who was who in the nascar circuit, I more than likely wouldn't take as much of an interest in it like I do now.
Growing up around race car fanatics, I got into it. Not like Stacey is, girl you are a true nascar fan. I do not have clothing or hats, I have one Dale Sr coffee cup that I have had for years.
I am and will always be an Earnhardt fan. His death crushed me, Just could not believe it. I didn't know him personally, but like I said when you follow someone or stalk them in my case, they do become a part of you.
Yes I have the NASCAR channel programmed in on my XM in my SUV..
Stacey you are a die-hard fan 100%. I am just a fan.
I love watching and listening to you, the excitement, your love of the sport. It does make me smile.
A REDNECK GIRL LIKE ME ...... HELL YEAH.. as Gretchen would sing.