Addict Mom And I Need Help!

This is my first posting and I am scared to death to tell the truth about myself. The only person who knows about my addiction is my husband and I think he is planning on taking our babies and leaving. He loves me unconditionally, but he is thinking of our babies. And who can blame him? I am suicidal and he is scared to leave me alone with our babies. He has suicide proofed the house. I have lost myself. All I know is the pills. I love my babies and my husband; I don't want to leave them. I pray, but I think even God has given up on me. I get my pills from prescription and the street. I average about 10 a day. Please, can anyone help me? And all find please it in your heart to pray for me and my family.

God never gives up on any of us and God will never give up on you.

But if you want God's help, you have to ask for his help.

God does not impose Himself on us. God's not like that.

God created us and he gave us life itself and free will. We are free to choose.

Cry out and God will answer you.


You need to talk to your husband. Show him and share with him this site. That should let him know that you are serious about your problem. You do want to quit? I know its very difficult to say the least but many here have done it. How long have you been taking and what kind?



There are many here who have lost themselves on pills. But read some of the back posts and you will find out that many if not most have turned
there life around. God does not give up on anyone and he hasn't given up on you. I promise you that.

I get the chills when I read your message. I have never come on to this site and was not expecting that kind of honesty. I can only say that you have to quit. I was taking just about the same as you, and I am down to one a day now. You can do it slowly if you need to. We are on the end of the scale, a lot people are taking a lot more than you. Do it now, before it gets worse.
Your husband needs to realize that your family so important to you right now, and that it would be a lot harder for you to not have them around you as a constant reminder of why you need to be committed to quitting. I have been addicted to many things, unfortunately, but by far this is the hardest. If you can get therapy, get it because it has saved me. Also think about going to some NA meetings and finding support. If your husband wants to take the children and run, then maybe you need to go to rehab to kick it. Whatever you do, think of your children and your husband, they are what means most to you, not the pills.