Addict Or User

Is there such thing as a person who can use herion, like only on the weekends, and not become addicted?
..It would take great strength and willpower not to become addicted to heroin on a regular basis..((if your talking about yourself or another person))..all first time users use recreationally for a while..until it becomes the weekend..then the monday aswell..then on tuesday..before you know becomes a daily habit..but if they just use on the weekend and no more..and they can stick to that..i,ll take my hat off to them..but i,ve never met anyone to date..who has used long term just on weekends..Robbie.. they just began taking heroin.?..
This is not about me, but a friend who claims to be a "functional" heroin addict. She has been using for almost a year.
..ok..well as i said..i,ve never personally met anyone who uses just on the weekend..but of course it could be done..anything in life can be done..but heroin is a highly addictive drug that can lead from recreational use to regular and prolonged use..if your friend is an addict.?..maybe she might be hiding her addiction and telling you she only uses weekends or maybe she does just use the weekend..which dose,nt make her an addict..but its a habit if she uses on weekends regualary..just tryna give ya both sides of the coin..Robbie..
I guess that I maybe the one in denial. I never see her getting high. She is my best friend and she doesnt act like a person with an addiction. She claims to use frequently, but I didnt believe her. I can spend hours of the day with her, and dont notice that shes high on heroin. She says she can use and still work and be social. Thats why I thought mabe she isnt addicted. Iknow she does use. Ive seen "track marks" on her arms. And her boyfriend is in detox right now.
I know people who have used heroin on occasion and not become addicted, but I dont think this is going to help you figure out if your friend is an addict or not.

People that use the term "functioning addict" are just rationalizing. There is no such thing. It is a good example of an oxymoron . I think the key word in there would be addict . A recreational user either stops, or becomes an addict. You spend all your time trying to convince yourself otherwise or face it, get help and get clean. Harsh words for a harsh world, but some of us have a hard time facing the truth and need to have our emotions tweaked to get us moving in the right direction.
great post zekk
You know Zekk and Silent Partner

I used to think I was a functioning addict, but when I got clean and more important, really started working a recovery program, I realized I hadn't been functioning too well....(Everyone BUT me could see how well I was "unfunctioning").

I don't post on heroin board as I was was "just" a pain piller (the beer folks vis a vis the Jack Daniels group). Those folks who got "energy" from taking pain pills mystify me. I used to think I got that too, until I got a reality chuck upside the head and now realize I get more done in 3 days then I did in 2 weeks.

Whoa my, a legend in my own mind.....
Thanks for your responses especially you Zekk.
Hi sally, I was high everyday and after using for a long time, some people around me could not tell a diffrence in how I acted "I was never sober so they saw me as always the same". I met my current boyfriend when I was using I would tell him I was high...he would say I can't tell. My arms where always a mess 3-4 shots a day all diffrent vains "what ever one i could hit". I don't think it possible to use just weekends for a year. A year is long enough to get a good regular habit. I know a lot of addicts, and you can't tell they are using by their actions, you can tell when they are not using thou... sweats, running nose, sneezing, achy body, irriation, moody. The only time I looked like a addict was when I was dope sick from not using.
Sally, thing is those "Weekends "for yr friend can easily, oh so very easily turn into 3-day, then 4,then 5,then its 24/7 and she's off to the races. In fact, I think she may already be there, if her man's in detox.She may be fibbing to you & to herself. As far a functioning addicts are concerned, they are a Rara Avis but they do exist. I know one w/ a phd., 6 fig. salary,awards for job perf. This person is full-blown 5x5 addict. Also an adroit LIAR.Also lucky.But still miserable.One can live underneath the radar, so to speak, but still have a problem & until they acknowledge it to themselves, and act, one can only...observe.And cry quietly to one's self in a corner.
I did it for a little while at first but eventully it will take hold of you.