Addiction And Full Circle

Aloha all,

I wanted to share this with you because it has left me feeling happy and yet slightly inadequate.

I just received a voicemail from my Doctor. He is an addiction specialist and an old timer and very involved in the program of AA/NA. I scheduled a last second appointment with him yesterday and was able to get in after a long wait in his office. I just wanted to check in with him and let him know of some of my anxiety and....well just connect with him...strange? Maybe....he was and is such a huge part of my recovery. He is no push over and he called me out and was unbelievably compassionate when needed. We had such a good chat and I left there feeling strong and confident. We spoke about addiction and recovery and all that it entails....when he asked me how my granddaughter is I completely lost it and started crying. I do this a lot when people ask about her...but it is not tears of sadness so much as tears of joy and such love that my emotions overcome me. To my surprise he was incredibly kind and we talked about the spirit of life and that what I have done and been doing for my family was what life was all and not wanting anything in return but a good result. As I was leaving he introduced me to his own daughter who is 16 years old and hold up in his office doing stuff on the computer...she is a beautiful girl that is so full of life.....he said "Jamie....this is my friend Kerri"...we chatted a bit and I left there feeling so wonderful. It really struck me at how amazing it will be for her that she has a fighting chance against a disease that she predispositioned to. What an amazing gift this Doctor is to the field of addiction and recovery....I so believe that it was no mistake that I found him. There are plenty of Doctors here that RX suboxone....luck of the draw?? I don't think so.

I am not really sure what the hell I am trying to say here...but it just seems that we are all so connected in addiction. That there really are some amazing and loving people that care and want to do what is good and right.

Anyway, back to the VM......he told me that he was sitting with a women in his office that is exactly where I was last November when I was in his office. He asked me to call her and talk to her and left me her phone number. This isn't the first time he has asked me to talk to another addict. Part of me feels really good about it...another part of me is feeling a little me it is a huge responsibility to give back what I have been given. I am not sure if I have anything at all to offer. I will call her absolutely...just let the conversation go.....what an amazing opportunity to be able to help....I just may be able to help.

This is one of the best things about can't really put it into words...although I am trying...LOL...I feel so very blessed and fortunate that he has this faith in me. I am very new at this....but I will be open and heart aches for those that are suffering. Please understand.....there is so many wonderful things that come out of getting clean and remaining that way. Life is far from perfect but it is so rewarding in a way that is indescribable!!

Thanks for letting me babble on....hugs...Kerri
You sound like such a sweet person - wanting to help - I would scream it in the streets if I thought it would help.

Take some credit.

I have a doctor that sounds like yours - I am happy for you - I had not even thought about it and when I was in-patient, we were walking in the halls and talking and met up with another DR - he said Dr so and so this is Mrs. Link. She has been my patient for 10 years - I had not even thought about it being that long.
I felt more like a person than a patient.

Oh, and you don't babble - look it up in the dictionary and you will probably see me.

we talked about the spirit of life and that what I have done and been doing for my family was what life was all and not wanting anything in return but a good result.

Thank you for this, Kerri. I need constant reminding on this score. I used to feel so entitled to others' feelings, respect, reciprocity, whatever. Still working real hard on this issue.

You have earned that man's respect and confidence and your help will be a gift to anyone lucky enough to receive it.

You have my respect too, Kerri.
We give it back to keep it. You'll keep it.
WTG, Kerri. Some good has to come out of the years of addiction and the best good must be helping others to get out, too. That's why I'm going back to school.


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