Addiction Sucks!

Ever have thoses days when you are just fed up with being an Addict? I have a tooth that has broken off to the gum line and I am in awful pain! My dentist can not get me in until Wednesday. I have dealing with this for a week now and nothing helps with the pain and forget about getting any sleep. Normal people can take a pain pill for relief, but nope...not me I had to screw up and became an addict.
I know I am being a big baby and very "woe is me", but dangit I an frustrated!
That sucks RKT. So sorry for how you are feeling. I started taking pain meds again 4 months ago. Doc wants to do surgery on my left arm but cant gaurantee it will fix the problem and says it could become worse. Cant work with the pain in my arms so made the decision to take them. Im able to work with still a bit of pain but at least I can do the lifting that I have to do. I feel the same way. I think it sucks but we have to make decisions I guess. I met a guy here that had the same surgery and now doesnt have use of his hand so I dont really know if I should have the surgery done. Ive talked to 2 doctors here and they both told me the same thing. anyway I really hope you feel better soon and the pain goes away quickly. Take care and God Bless...
I feel your pain man. I have such bad teeth, seems something always hurts. But I have such sympathy for you. You may remember my neck has been excrushiating. And it has been lasting since Christmas. I want to remind you though you will get through this. Also there could be emergency dentist or at least some other dentist that could get you in sooner, you should look around. I hate tooth pain. There is seriously not much worse. My heart is with you that sucks.
Thanks both of you. Really sorry that you are both going through such pain. Makes my little toothache seem silly. I do hope it gets better for both you guys soon.

Contract...I hope you find a solution soon. I know it must really suck to have to be taking those pills again after getting through what you did last time.

Jane...No emergency dentist where I live, but I could look around for another one. People keep telling me to do that. I just hate going to someone new... I am comfortable with the one I have......creature of habit lol. I might have to though If this gets much worse.

Has you pain gotten any better?

Both of you get well soon!
RKT...e-mail me of what I'm going to say you are going to like so you might want to forget it.I wish you lived close because I need to put my hands on you,\

Crush ice in a blender or cuisinart.Numb the most painful

got to go to 7,9,1o...wrap it.....whatever way you B,you're a smart cookie,
Rhonda..this is a tough one. Do we become martyrs when it comes to pain because we're addicts? Maybe in some instances. If you break a bone, no way, you gotta take the pain meds. If you have surgery, most requier pain meds because you'll heal faster with them. Tooth aches? I don't know. I've been told my so many people that they are the, it's a personal decision. But it's also all about safety nets. Who can hold them for you, have your dentist give you a very small amount, etc. You know the drill. You don't have to suffer, that's not fair to anyone. We wouldn't do that to a dog, so why would we do that to ourselves. Unfortunetly, my ability to know when I need meds like that is broken. I don't have a turn off switch. So I had to leave that up to my drs and let go of all control of it. Get your butt to a meeting and share about this...xoxoxo
Rhonda I too have had nothing but heartache when it comes to my teeth (when I had them)

Im not sure if its wrong to say this but couldnt you get Ambacial(sp)the OTC numbing stuff?Just to take the edge off.I also heard that "oil of clove"can help.
But than again I remember being in so much pain with my teeth it felt as if my eyes would pop out.

Creature of habit huh?Yup I can relate to that & I suppose if it get THAT bad you may go to someone else.
Either way I hope your feeling better.

I still have those day where I HATE what Ive allowed myself to become as far as medication.I get so mad at myself & I have nobody but myself to blame(THATS THE CRAPPY PART)

Hang in there the best you can huny.
Lisa... My abilitly to decide whether or not it's bad enough to take a pain pill is broken too. However, in all honesty I wouldn't risk taking any for this. It's bareable and not going to last forever.
I am more frustrated about the dentist not getting me in for so long. I would like some relief from the pain, but I am dealing. When I posted this I was in a moment of weakness and just wanted to let out some frustration. It helped.

Molly...thanks and I do have some orajel that helps some. The only thing is that it doesn't last for very long and I have to continiously reapply it. That's just not very convienient to do being in the classroom all day. I only have 1 more day til the dentist, so I will make it.

Oh, and I am going to meetings, but didn't this past week because of feeling bad. I will share this at the next one.

Tim...o.k. I will email you so you can blast away lol!
Well, I made it to Wednesday and had my appointment at 8 this morning. The only thing he could do was to get it out and it was the last tooth in the back so not noticeable (which I was already pretty sure that was what would have to be done). Getting it out wasn't so easy because of how much had broken off. He worked for 30 minutes pulling, drilling, and digging til he finally got all the pieces out. I am so glad that is over. He said it would be very sore for a few days.

This all started with the filling falling out of the tooth a while back. I should have gone as soon as that happened to get it fixed, but kept putting it off because it didn't hurt much. But, then it broke off and that's when all the pain started. I have definately learned my lesson about putting off dental work.

Really hope I can finally get some sleep tonight!
How did you do last night Rhonda? Does it hurt very much?

Soak a tea bag and hold it on the hole, that and salt water rinses really do help.

I slept much better last night. Woke up a couple of times hurting, but it wasn't too bad. Today, it is swollen, very sore and burns a little. I am taking Ibuprofen for it, and it is helping now. Never heard of the tea bag thing...gona give it a try. And he told me about the salt water rinse, but I forgot all about that til I just read this, so thanks for the reminder.

Thanks for checking on me Lisa, and for the suggestions!
How's the tooth ? :)
Hey Rhonda, there's nothing quite like tooth feels like it's happening in your brain it's so intense. Lisa gave you some good old-school advice...that's why our grandmothers did stuff like that, it actually works! I always keep a little plastic tub of temporary dental filler in the bathroom drawer, stuff from the fills that hole pretty well if you have a problem on a weekend or some other inconvenient time and it's pretty cheap considering how much protection it provides. Too late for this time I know, but worth the $5 just in case.

Feel better, Rhonda!

Love ~ M&M
Hey Jane! It's sweet of you to ask. Well, it's day 8 and the extraction site still burns badly and has a dull pain most of the time. I am still waking up at night with a severe throbbing pain. So, I am now worried that I have developed a dry socket. I am going to give it another day or two before I call my dentist because with all he had to do to get the tooth out it, he said it would hurt a little longer than a normal extraction. I don't need to take off work again if it's unneccessary. I have had a tooth pulled before, and it didn't hurt this much...this long. But, it wasn't a molar either. I will be so glad when it heals. This has been a very unpleasant and painful experience!

Thanks for checking!

Thanks Mom. I saw some of that dental repair at Wal-Mart, but wasn't sure if it worked or if it would just make things worse. It's good to know that it does work for the future.
I appreciate the concern and advice from all you guys.
Hi, I have dental problems too. Till I can afford to see a dentist, I've been using a rub-on gel that just numbs the area, but that's better than avoiding cold drinks and ice cream. Can't remember if I told you guys about the death of my mother a few weeks ago. I haven't picked up or gone back out, but I sure would like to sometimes. Am making fewer meetings than usual, but do make it to my home group every week. And I have a new sponsor(remember, my last one fired me) so I'm sure it's just a matter of time till things get better.
OK,OK, I don't really believe that yet, but I believe I'll believe it in time.
Hang in there Vicki...hugs. 8 and it still hurts that bad? Call the dentist tomorrow..they may have some don't have to suffer darlin.
I did call the dentist and went back today. Last night was an awful night! I definately have a dry socket, so he packed it with clove oil and it already feels better! sorry you are having problems too! I definately feel your pain!
Thank God your finally getting some relief. Glad you went back. :)
OMG Rhonda, I have been following this since you started with the dental issues.

I cringed then and to hear you had a dry socket made me cringe again.

I feel so bad for you having to go through this as I know how difficult it was for me and I didn't have a dry socket. I was fortunate to get instant relief once the tooth was gone.

Praying this is all over for you now.

I enjoy your posts and support for those here. You are definately a winner.
