Addiction To Everything

i am trying to deal with this painfull hell of having a boyfriend who i love slowly killing himself. He's and alcholic and he's addicted to any kind of medication that he can get his hands on. its amazing how different people are when they are not in their messed up state. he's a wonderful person and i have many dreams for us, but sometimes i think that my dreams with him are useless. i dont have any experience at helping someone overcome there addictions, but i try. its come down to i have been having to sleep with my purse so that he wont steel the medications that im on. he lies to himself about his problems. he drinks and takes pills until he blacks out and so that way he doesnt have to remember what he has done or who he has hurt. hes not violent but hes just not himself anymore. we have been together for 2 years and its just getting worse. i was told by someone that i needed to just walk away, i wish i could i have given it some serious though, but if i do that he will continue to get worse. he refuses to go to detox, he tries to go to AA but hes still drinking. i have even asked him to get on the pill for alcholics. i just dont know how much more i can take of this. i dont want to give up on him. i need someone to help me thru this someone who has dealt with this personaly, if there is anyone out there like would like to talk with me please email me
You need to go to a counselor or some type of 12-step meeting for people involved with addicts.