Alateen Groups

can someone sugest a web site similar to this one for a teenage girl who has a brother that is an addict. Someone she could talk to, like here, but I'm not sure she needs to veiw this one at 15. Her brother is 19. I looked up alateen but didn't come up with anything. Thanks
There are alateen groups online, quite a few in "MSN Groups"

Try This Link or

This Link

Here is the link for alateen meetings. She might benefit from some F2F meetings, especially in the beginning. I had the privilege of sitting in on a couple when I was going to Alanon, what a wonderful supporting group. The thing that amazed me was, kids can be cruel, but the kids/teens in these meetings were there for each other, supportive, caring, and non-judgmental. Moreover, the kids were from all different backgrounds, races, religions. It really touched me to see how they all came together to learn about the disease, and realize it is not their fault, many kids think that if only I was a better kid dad, mom, brother, sister, etc. wouldn't drink or drug. Best wishes to you and your children.

Thanks for the sites' although they are diabled for administraive whatever for now. I am still looking around to find her one, Her, BEING MY GRANDAUGHTER. I know she would probably be welcome here, but I am unsure of her beiing able to --- for lack of a better word, handle this frankness, as sometimes I can get pretty down after reading some and then I will read something that I need to hear. I did find out that there is a alateen grooup in Lexington, but she lives 30 miles from there, and I live 300 miles from her, but I will keep looking around, Thanks again to all the posts that I have been reading for 3 weeks. Has helped me alot and I am so grateful.