An Eye Opener For Me

A new comer at one of the meetings I went to tonight shared how he had been in and out of jail, clean and went back out, you know, one of our typical stories. The next guy that shared made NO sense at all. He rambled on about a book he had started writing and how someone had stolen it from him, how he wanted to become an angelic body, mentioned a few drugs but expressed no problems with them, and on and on he went for ever and ever until the lady next to him suggested someone else might want to share. A hush came over the room for a while until someone picked back up on the relapse subject and the meeting continued as usual. I was thinking while he was sharing, "where is the recovery in his story?" After the meeting I learned he had been brought there from a mental hospital. Humbly, I realized the value of his sharing. Drugs had totally flipped him out, and there, but for the Grace of God, go I...
Wow. Doesn't get any clearer than that, huh? Saddens me when people can't come back from the damage they've done to themselves.
Hey Janet...Mental hospital Huh?I've had some experience talking with people from a mental hospital.Alot of sad stories.Most that I have talked with will never leave the hospital.But your right...but by the grace of God go I.

Hey janet. I can totally relate to what you are saying. When I first got into the program there was this guy there who would always share and never make a bit of sense. I mean he would ramble on and on and on until the chair person would ask him to let someone else share.Later on I had metioned to my sponser and was like what the hell is wrong with him. She said you see april you are judging before you even know this guy. I felt horrible after she told me he was so messed up from doing so many drugs and alot of people that were newcomers would make fun of him. She was like yes he does tend to ramble that just shows us how powerful this disease is and he had been clean for about 5 years so she told me to think before I started judgeing someone. I had no idea he was even an addict but just plain crazy and my sponser said she had known this for years before he got so bad off and at least he ignores the laughing and talking about him behind his back. He stil goes to meetings this day and I saw him just recently and have not seen him in years like 15 years and he came up and gave me a hug and said I am glad to see you made it back. So we never really know what is going on with someone until we are told or asked. Have a goodnight,