"in His Right Mind"

I know some are very interested in spiritual subjects. So I will share this and pray it serves as a means to assist in some way!. I was reading in the bible (yes some do read it :-)) that one day Jesus went to a location, known as the Garasenes, this would be the northern part of Israel. He came upon a man who was possessed by "demons". The scripture in Mark's gospel chapter 5 from verse 1 to 15 makes clear that here was a man truly in need and truly in bondage. Verse 3 - 5 says he was living in tombs and was always crying out and cutting himself with stones etc. Now as I read that I can't help but see a similarity in my own life with the pain meds addiction. (No I never cut myself etc..) but just the plain misery and emptiness that this man felt all those who have faced the addiction battle know all too well!!! Now as I was thinking about that and reading on I see that Jesus met this man! With only a word he healed the man and what verse really struck me was verse 15. I will quote it here: "And they came to Jesus and observed the man who had been demon-possessed sitting down, clothed and in his right mind...." He was in his right mind!!! I can honestly say this is what Im after. A right mind! How I need freedom from these pills that put me in bondage just like this poor man. What a glorious day in was for this man!! May it be so for each of us? May we have a meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ today!!! Peace to all.
Good Morning Skeater,

Nice thread to wake up to. Thanks.
we can find symbolism; inspiration and growth all around. we need only look

thanks for sharing.


what a very inspiring share, the bible has always given me wisdom and peace through out my addiction, i nick named it "my big book" : ) keep reading and seeking. you will be amazed at what answers you will find.
