Dear Phil and Anothersadmom, Although I am not a parent who has lost their child to drug addiction I lost my bf of close to 6 years ( he was 39 yrs. old) to this disease/tradegy recently.... I share this grief and hope you find strentgh as time goes by.... I would like to know if you or anyone else reading this post has info. to other sites that are of support in this direct matter. I did find a couple though had difficulty getting registerd. Guesse I'm trying to share now in a different loss. I am seeing a counsellor though will seek specific grief counselling out in the spring as I am currently seeing a counsellor to deal with the immediate shock, etc... If anyone has any helpful info. please forward it. All I can say is that I know each life that has been lost to drugs has been worth more, the term addict is often used, though each addict is a person, and every person, parent, gf, sibbling, friend who has lost their loved one to Heroin addiction etc.... or any addiction will be changed forever..... Any info will be helpful..... Dora
hello dora, i feel sad that you are going thru all this pain, loosing someone to a circumstance like that , is hard to imagne, ... i'm glad you are getting some help, in my community there are hospitals with meetings for survivors like yourself, also the daily paper often lists support groups, i will see what i can find. do what you need to to take care of youself , it must be very difficult, sending good thoughts your way, laura
I have tried other forums but I find this one the most effective for me. I will look on my home computer and post some here on this thread. I hope you don't leave this forum.
God Bless,
God Bless,
Attached are a couple of Grief sites you may want to consider.
Attached are a couple of Grief sites you may want to consider.
Dear Phil, Laura, & Bob,
Thank you for the above links, I will most deffinitely check them out. This Site has been a friend (yours ears & hearts) in times of confusuion, sadness and of course the hope and courage to go on, Dora
Thank you for the above links, I will most deffinitely check them out. This Site has been a friend (yours ears & hearts) in times of confusuion, sadness and of course the hope and courage to go on, Dora
Bless your heart, Dora. How are you doing? I'm glad you found this board and that Phil and Bob have been able to help you so much.
Hey, did I ever tell you what my precious little granddaughter's middle name is? Her name is Angelina Dora. My daughter is really into the meanings of names. Angelina means little angel and Dora means gift. You are a gift to us, as Angelina is to our family. Thank you for being you! God bless!
Hey, did I ever tell you what my precious little granddaughter's middle name is? Her name is Angelina Dora. My daughter is really into the meanings of names. Angelina means little angel and Dora means gift. You are a gift to us, as Angelina is to our family. Thank you for being you! God bless!
Dear Susan, I am feeling a bit better, Thank you for asking. I went away for a couple of days, skiing. The change did me good, fresh air & exercise.... I live in Quebec, Canada .... We love snow !!! How is your son doing? LOL Dora
P.S. Thank you for the name explanation..... It's put a smile on my face!
P.S. Thank you for the name explanation..... It's put a smile on my face!
and susan means ?