Hello all,
Soulsearching here and I am so ready to kick this damn thing! I must say not to glamourize my drug use, but I haven't had any tragedy strike and I want to get clean and do right before bad things start to happen!! Don't get me wrong, I have been a royal pain in the butt and have mood swings that tend to push people away...I was always the person people were drawn to with my big smile and sense of humor...Lately I feel like a negative Nellie and I want my spririt back! I don't feel comfortable telling people around me my problem but want to get sober for my husband to improve our relationship. I have been using for the past 5 years and have gotten engaged, married, etc. I want to think about having a child one day but with my bad attitutude I blame too many things on reasons why it would be foolish to bring a child into this world. Selfish, huh? I have a wonderful child from a previous marriage that I adore and my husband supports me one way or the other..... Sorry blabbing on here now....I am continuing to taper off the pills but still feel the side effects of withdrawal....I want to go to the store and buy Immodium or whatever you guys think will help. My heart smiles when I read your posts and at the same time I tremble as I hear some of the unfortunate things a lot of you have been through. I get my meds from a DR. so for the first few years I thought what I was doing was okay. Taking a few Norco's a day for migraines and back pain....I am now up to 7-8 and that is just to function normal. I want to kick this before it gets anymore out of control!!
Does anyone know what causes seizures? Is it how much you use or how long you use? I have never had one but am so scared of what will happen to me during withdrawal. I haven't gone a day without a vic or norco in 4 years. I have soma's, ambiens and xanax that I can take (benzos) to reduce the w/d but am scared I will get addicted to them too. They make me very groggy so I just have to find time to basically be bed ridden for several days, huh? A very long time ago there was a post on here with a list of things to buy at the store....I am ready!!! ANY FEEDBACK IS SO GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!
Thanks again,
Just dont over think things. You will feel bad for sure. You will also find whatever works best for you through trial and error. Just one day at a time for now. You have to get to day 1 before worrying about it. Best of luck.
Hi soulsearching~
I found imodium to be a must for a few days. Epson salt baths ( I would buy it in bulk at cosco) helped so much for the aches and pains. I lived in the bathtub whenever possible. Bananas help with leg cramps as does gatorade (sp?). I was taking ibuprophen around the clock for a couple of days as well. Tim's list of supplements is awesome, gonna try some of it myself but the above things helped me through the acute phase...Sending love and support!
I found imodium to be a must for a few days. Epson salt baths ( I would buy it in bulk at cosco) helped so much for the aches and pains. I lived in the bathtub whenever possible. Bananas help with leg cramps as does gatorade (sp?). I was taking ibuprophen around the clock for a couple of days as well. Tim's list of supplements is awesome, gonna try some of it myself but the above things helped me through the acute phase...Sending love and support!
All I can tell you is that I was taking 10 norcos (10/325) a day, and that stayed steady, thanks to now defunct internet sources, for well over five years. For me, w/d consisted of feeling like crap for a couple of days, and there's no real way to get around that, and then physically you are fine. That's how it was for me.
Sleep helps, warm baths help, ideally something for your nerves helps. You can't really prep for it. All the preparation goes out the window the morning you actually wake up with no pills, and often a kind of panic sets in. Just go through the motions as best you can. The mental part is worse than the physical part.
Sleep helps, warm baths help, ideally something for your nerves helps. You can't really prep for it. All the preparation goes out the window the morning you actually wake up with no pills, and often a kind of panic sets in. Just go through the motions as best you can. The mental part is worse than the physical part.
Opiate withdrawl shouldn't cause seizures.If you are only taking 6 or 7 a day,I would just toss them.You are not going to feel that worse.The physical part of withdrawls last only 3 or 4 days and on that amount,tapering is just going to put enough back in your system to make you want more.
Even after you finish tapering,you are still going to have some w/d symptoms.I suspect they won't be as bad but dragging out this whole thing IMO is just torture.Get it over with.Whatever you decide to do you will get support but just think about it.
Even after you finish tapering,you are still going to have some w/d symptoms.I suspect they won't be as bad but dragging out this whole thing IMO is just torture.Get it over with.Whatever you decide to do you will get support but just think about it.
for me WD's at home are always the worst. if you can get away for a week you should. last time i cleaned up i went to the beach. i cut down my dope usage over a month or so i tried.. then the day i left(drove) i used that morning and took 4 vic for the drive for me and my husband. but once we were there we went drug free. i found alkaseltzer, advil, imodium ad and flexeril work the best. sleeping is the worst part i think. wd's aren't so bad when you have noway to get the drugs. of course i was achy and didn't feel 100% but it was so much more barable than being home. after the 1st 3 days, you need to get some vitamins in your system. try sipping orangejuice. chicken broth and yogurt. it will help to get your vitamins. hot baths and showers work wonders. try taking a walk and keeping busy it will make time go faster. hang in there, unless you have medical problem withdrawl won't kill you, even tho you will feel like death.
if you have anymore questions just ask. and seizers are cause by benzo withdrawl or alcohol withdrawl, not opiate withdrawl. again unless you got some kind of medical problem opiate withdrawl is pretty safe/
good luck
if you have anymore questions just ask. and seizers are cause by benzo withdrawl or alcohol withdrawl, not opiate withdrawl. again unless you got some kind of medical problem opiate withdrawl is pretty safe/
good luck
Soulsearching...you're gonna feel like crap, that's a given. Don't overthink like someone else said. Just get through it, minute by minute. All of the suggestions for comfort meds are good. Sleep seems to evade most people in the first few days but you WILL sleep eventually. Just remember to not lay there with all of that anxiety, get out of bed, take a bath, read a book, something to get your mind off of sleep, It will come soon enough.
My fear for you is this. It sounds like you are doing this for everyone else. What about you? Do you want to get clean for you? What are you going to do to keep from relapsing...to keep from taking another pill when the withdrawals get bad?
My suggestion is find someone to talk too. Someone you trust who knows what you're going through so that you can talk when it gets really rough.
My fear for you is this. It sounds like you are doing this for everyone else. What about you? Do you want to get clean for you? What are you going to do to keep from relapsing...to keep from taking another pill when the withdrawals get bad?
My suggestion is find someone to talk too. Someone you trust who knows what you're going through so that you can talk when it gets really rough.