I didnt start out taking 20 pills a day but I needed more to get the same effect, it will happen to you as well..Sorry for you if that is all you got out of my post, denial is a big part of the disease the sooner you face your problems the better!!!! Shel
Why thank you Sandyfeet for calling me an addict. I truly appreciate being told I am an addict. Afterall, I believe I am the one who inquired about this NEW prescription my doctor has prescribed to me and it's effects upon withdrawal time. But again, I truly appreciate your pointing out that I am an "addict" and "in denial". Pardon me for simply stating that I believe it is criminal for a doctor to KNOWINGLY prescribe 20 pills a day. I would think THAT many pills would cause a lot of problems for your body and a doctor would KNOW that....I guess I am wrong.
Cowgirl i have heard of doctors writing thousands of pills to a single patient. around 3yrs ago a young couple was getting thousands of 0xy 80 shooting them up monthly.
The government has finally started to crack down on this in certain states.but still out of control-M.D-bunch of s-bags. SAD kids so young getting them like candy.
Have a good night
The government has finally started to crack down on this in certain states.but still out of control-M.D-bunch of s-bags. SAD kids so young getting them like candy.
Have a good night
Not once did I call you a addict. I mearly told you to be careful because addiction is a very insidious disease like a sleeping snake that can wake up and bite you at any time, you have to be aware that once you start taking pills they can bite you as well.. .It sounds like I hit a nerve, and it is great that you are researching your future pain killer, I have been their and done that and I still became a was unintentionally, I too lived in lots of severe pain as most of the people on this board and research or no research still became a addict. So I am just trying to warn you about what the future has for you. Get the surgery and get over the pain and the pills.......Life will be much better!!!
I'm sorry Sandy.
"Sorry for you if that is all you got out of my post, denial is a big part of the disease the sooner you face your problems the better!!!! "
Not sure how I can really take that statement any other way than an implication that you are calling me an addict. I guess when I talk to you, I should live by the saying, say what you mean and mean what you say. So, I will presume since you didn't SAY it, you did't SAY
"Sorry for you if that is all you got out of my post, denial is a big part of the disease the sooner you face your problems the better!!!! "
Not sure how I can really take that statement any other way than an implication that you are calling me an addict. I guess when I talk to you, I should live by the saying, say what you mean and mean what you say. So, I will presume since you didn't SAY it, you did't SAY
Why are you really coming to this board, are you researching a paper or do you need help? I have to asume that you need help and the more you post the more it sounds like you do. Everyone here is very nice and have been through it
There is no shame in admitting it if you are. The help you can get here is very valuble but first you have to admit that you are powerless even if it is just to yourself. I wish you only only the best and if you think I was attaching you I am sorry but if you go back and reread my posts you will see that I was once in your place with pain and surgery ahead and when I say been there done that I have!!! Best Wishes.....Shel
Why are you really coming to this board, are you researching a paper or do you need help? I have to asume that you need help and the more you post the more it sounds like you do. Everyone here is very nice and have been through it
There is no shame in admitting it if you are. The help you can get here is very valuble but first you have to admit that you are powerless even if it is just to yourself. I wish you only only the best and if you think I was attaching you I am sorry but if you go back and reread my posts you will see that I was once in your place with pain and surgery ahead and when I say been there done that I have!!! Best Wishes.....Shel
I don't understand why you keep saying I have to admit I have a problem. You've mentioned a couple of times that you've been where I am at. Did you research the effects and methods used to get off pills prior to taking the pills? No, I am not writing a paper, but I AM trying to prepare myself responsibly for what I will have to do in the future. I can't help but think by being responsible about this, I will not fall into the category of a person who abuses the pills. I just don't understand why you assume that a person who comes here, automatically is an addict. Does that make sense?
I don't understand why you keep saying I have to admit I have a problem. You've mentioned a couple of times that you've been where I am at. Did you research the effects and methods used to get off pills prior to taking the pills? No, I am not writing a paper, but I AM trying to prepare myself responsibly for what I will have to do in the future. I can't help but think by being responsible about this, I will not fall into the category of a person who abuses the pills. I just don't understand why you assume that a person who comes here, automatically is an addict. Does that make sense?
im on kadian bout a yr,50mg, 2x day,after bout dieing on careful,u run out,some bad w/ds..long and painful...i got a broke neck, cronic pain,but im gettin off this stuff noone can take things like this for 10 or 20 yrs n not have worse probs but, aware of the dangers,id say if u got terminal desease,why not gonna die any way.
Don'tStartWithMe ,
I wouldn't get upset with Sandyfeet, she isn't trying to insult you, she is merely showing concern. You may very well indeed not be an addict, or even a person who is abusing opiates. If that is the case, simply state that you are not an opiate abuser/addict and leave it at that. Most people on the Pain Pill board have a history of opiate abuse/addiction, including this person.
I have never used Kadian, but nevertheless, as far as withdrawal symptoms are concerned, that is irrelevant. There is nothing special about Kadian, it is just time-released morphine, like MS Contin (Purdue Pharma's other big drug, they were losing the 10 year exclusive patent on it, that is why they developed OxyContin). Nothing special about morphine, it will produce as big a high as oxycodone, in fact morphine is a more potent opiate agonist than oxycodone and its active metabolites, its just oxycodone is more orally available than morphine, so one gets a better effective dose, that's all. Taken IV, morphine, is much more potent than oxycodone.
So withdrawal symptoms will look just like what Rae73 said, the severity and length of symptoms will depend on the dose level and length of time taken, time release versions tend to produce wd's that last longer. As I said, nothing special about Kadian, just another time release opiate agonist, that's all.
People here are just showing concern, not trying to insult. Long-term use of hight levels of opiates definitely is not recommended. It is not without serious side-effects: constipation, seriously decreased sex drive, appetite reduction, disrupted sleep patterns. And the longer you are on, the longer it will take you to recover when you cessate opiate usage. No judgements here, just the facts.
You are not an addict, fine. But if someone wonders if you are, don't get so bent out of shape, it is not an insult.....nor is it meant as one...
And yup, I would get surgery now, I would not wait 1 year, but that's just me....
I wouldn't get upset with Sandyfeet, she isn't trying to insult you, she is merely showing concern. You may very well indeed not be an addict, or even a person who is abusing opiates. If that is the case, simply state that you are not an opiate abuser/addict and leave it at that. Most people on the Pain Pill board have a history of opiate abuse/addiction, including this person.
I have never used Kadian, but nevertheless, as far as withdrawal symptoms are concerned, that is irrelevant. There is nothing special about Kadian, it is just time-released morphine, like MS Contin (Purdue Pharma's other big drug, they were losing the 10 year exclusive patent on it, that is why they developed OxyContin). Nothing special about morphine, it will produce as big a high as oxycodone, in fact morphine is a more potent opiate agonist than oxycodone and its active metabolites, its just oxycodone is more orally available than morphine, so one gets a better effective dose, that's all. Taken IV, morphine, is much more potent than oxycodone.
So withdrawal symptoms will look just like what Rae73 said, the severity and length of symptoms will depend on the dose level and length of time taken, time release versions tend to produce wd's that last longer. As I said, nothing special about Kadian, just another time release opiate agonist, that's all.
People here are just showing concern, not trying to insult. Long-term use of hight levels of opiates definitely is not recommended. It is not without serious side-effects: constipation, seriously decreased sex drive, appetite reduction, disrupted sleep patterns. And the longer you are on, the longer it will take you to recover when you cessate opiate usage. No judgements here, just the facts.
You are not an addict, fine. But if someone wonders if you are, don't get so bent out of shape, it is not an insult.....nor is it meant as one...
And yup, I would get surgery now, I would not wait 1 year, but that's just me....
I agree Elim.. I didn't think Sandy was trying to insult her either.
Don't start with me, There is really no need to get defensive. We are all here to support you and give you any information you need. In my honest opinion it doesn't matter to me what you label yourself. You are taking Morphine.. So if you want to call yourself an addict that's fine and if not that's cool too. No judgements here either way!
If you are mentally dependant, physically dependant or just a full blown addict and abuse your meds it doesn't matter to me either. The bottom line is you asked about the withdrawls..
The withdrawls are going to be difficult. Even if weaned off to the lowest dose possible with a doctor's help. You will need to go on other kinds of meds to help ease your discomfort..Or you could just suck up the pain.. Either that or sub to stop the withdrawls and then be weaned off that. Your withdrawl will be like a severe case of the flu.. You wil have all the classic withdrawl symptoms probably. Which include insomnia, diarrhea, sweats, fatigue, restless legs, body aches, chills etc! It will take a while for your body to get back to normal. Especially if your taking morphine for many months or years and then decide to get off it..
Listen to wildman he detoxed from it in the past. You will survive it but it will be painful. There really isn't no way around it. It is a really strong narcotic. So weather your an addict or not you will still have to detox from it just the same..I think it's great you are doing your research now so you know what your getting yourself in to.. If you are in pain then I don't think you should suffer or feel bad about taking the meds either. I would look into getting the surgery done though.. You don't want to be on morphine for the rest of your life anyway.. Eventually it won't be that effective and you'll have to take alternative measures to treat your pain.. Good luck! Rae
Don't start with me, There is really no need to get defensive. We are all here to support you and give you any information you need. In my honest opinion it doesn't matter to me what you label yourself. You are taking Morphine.. So if you want to call yourself an addict that's fine and if not that's cool too. No judgements here either way!
If you are mentally dependant, physically dependant or just a full blown addict and abuse your meds it doesn't matter to me either. The bottom line is you asked about the withdrawls..
The withdrawls are going to be difficult. Even if weaned off to the lowest dose possible with a doctor's help. You will need to go on other kinds of meds to help ease your discomfort..Or you could just suck up the pain.. Either that or sub to stop the withdrawls and then be weaned off that. Your withdrawl will be like a severe case of the flu.. You wil have all the classic withdrawl symptoms probably. Which include insomnia, diarrhea, sweats, fatigue, restless legs, body aches, chills etc! It will take a while for your body to get back to normal. Especially if your taking morphine for many months or years and then decide to get off it..
Listen to wildman he detoxed from it in the past. You will survive it but it will be painful. There really isn't no way around it. It is a really strong narcotic. So weather your an addict or not you will still have to detox from it just the same..I think it's great you are doing your research now so you know what your getting yourself in to.. If you are in pain then I don't think you should suffer or feel bad about taking the meds either. I would look into getting the surgery done though.. You don't want to be on morphine for the rest of your life anyway.. Eventually it won't be that effective and you'll have to take alternative measures to treat your pain.. Good luck! Rae
Dont start with me:Sandy is giving you her experience and you attack her? With all due respect you have received some awesome information. You are the one seeking help.
It does not matter addict or morphine dependent call it what you will. I told you what happened to me. Anyone IMO who goes from oxy and percs for break through pain That is a term they use in Hospitals after surgery.
Your hooked.
You will learn the hard way I guess. Hope you land soft.
It does not matter addict or morphine dependent call it what you will. I told you what happened to me. Anyone IMO who goes from oxy and percs for break through pain That is a term they use in Hospitals after surgery.
Your hooked.
You will learn the hard way I guess. Hope you land soft.
Bumping for Roe!!