Anyone Know? Lol

I would love to know why is it that men say women are moaning when i say we are expressing our opinions a few times so they get it lol.
Where do all the t.spoons go?
And why can i never find a pen when i need one no matter how many i buy?
And why is it that no matter how hard i try i always put a black sock in with whites?
Why does your toothache go when at the dendist?
These things apear to be universil how odd lol. jackie xxx
have a funfilled day its worth it
I dunno the answer to that...sorry!! Men seem to not whine as much as we do...
I just popped in to say hello to you...and I hope you are doing well.
jackie in the uk we call this sods law!!!,your in the uk r you not?,i think we have alot in common jackie,just yesturday i put some thongs with a blue ribbon on the back in with my whites!!!,i opened the machine and all my daughters sch shirts were blue!!!
Isnt that what they call 'sods law' ?? for example, my new hamster cage arrived the morning the hamster died!! Typical!
I dont know the answer either but thought i'd say hi to you Jax and Kerry xxx
Long time no post Ker, how ya doin babe?
You too Jax, how are you this morning x
LOL Franky,
Your post wasnt there when i started to write!!! You know what they say, great minds think alike LOL
I am good, miss gabbi! How are you? I am up; unfortunately. I got off of work a while first night back. I must say it was way easier than I expected.
Jackie, not only the t spoons, but where in the world do all the damn socks go?? I am forever searching and buying and losing...
thank God most of the time we just wear slippers here, or I would be mad for sure by now.
LOL sods law i forgot that one. shame about hampster gabbs. im doing good thx and kerry where ya been ? Franky i never knew you were uk too small world eh well off ot surgery AGAIN lol so catch you all laters jaxxxx oh and be good to yourselves and hello coffee club. xxxxxx
I have been reading through some posts you've written and babe you have come really far!!! I am so very proud of ya, and you're back at work!!! Way to go Ker!!! You've gotta be proud of yourself too x
user posted image
This dj's playing a song for you!!!

I am fine, now my tooth isnt aching anymore so life is good again!!!
I recon socks and lighters and pens have there own little paralell universe, the portal to it is in serval points around the house, so thats where socks an stuff go!!! my little world anyway LOL

GOODLUCK with the surgery Jax xxx user posted image

Hope your okay too Franky x
keep us on what?? I hope you are coming out with least!! Just kidding...sick American humor for you. Seriously, I am off to peek at your diary....I hope you are okay...
Kerry have you been? Ihave been around, but I think on a different time than you. I am back to work now, so hopefull I won't be up this late...but it is likely with my schedule.
I am sooo dying to come to England; I want to see your side of the pond so badly. I think I still have your email; but can you shoot me a line so I have it for sure?? Thanks...or,
you got mail xxx
hey gabs,just got back from taking my dog for a walk its a lovely day!!!,your right great minds think alike lol,have a good day hun and you to jackie xxx
Can't wait for Browndogs response to this one.

HEY THERE BIG SIS" how are u feeling good i sure hope ,Anyway i dont know if this ever happens to you ladys but my moaning as the men call it is after i buy a whole new pack of socks how on earth that only one week later u go to wash them and there is always one sock from every other pair missing and no matter how hard you look u can't find those missing socks do they have a speacial place for these missing socks i ask them hubby and our 2 teenage sons claim the dog ate them" i should hide there boxers on them and when they ask what happened to them say i don't know maybe the cat ate them LOL..LOL.. just a little hughmer to lighten the load all though the missing socks very true lol..
HI" jacky are u ok did u get my email i sent u acouple of days ago i have not heard from u i am getting abit worrired please let me know u are ok"
Sorry H bit busy but i will answer you ((hugs))) jackie xxx
Jackie-Here are my answers:

I would love to know why is it that men say women are moaning when i say we are expressing our opinions a few times so they get it lol.

* When a woman moans to me, she is not expressing an opinion, she is asking if 38 seconds is all I have in me..

Where do all the t.spoons go?

* They are hanging from our nose, as we show you another amazing magic trick.

And why can i never find a pen when i need one no matter how many i buy?

* Pens are used to sign checks.If we didn't hide them from you,we would go broke.

And why is it that no matter how hard i try i always put a black sock in with whites?

* All white mens socks turn black eventually anyway, so whats your gripe?

Why does your toothache go when at the dendist?

* All things "go" when they become apain in the neck. At least my ex-wife did.

Heres what you need to do. Dump all the socks in your house. Then go buy socks that are all the same kind. Then you don't even have to match them up. It works. Really


thats what i do!!!! thank god we all wear the same size socks in my house. oh and pens, you just steal more from the bank and lighters you steal one whoever you bumm a light from hehehe

oh and laundry... seperating the darks form whites makes me feel predudice thats why i just cant bring myself to do it :P
