Anyone Know?

Hello everyone....I was wondering if anyone knows the website that has the information on physicians that can prescribe suboxone in MIchigan?
Thank you so much,I have alot of kids and I cant find the time to be sick, I cant believe I did this to myself again, I already went through withdrawls and recovered...and thought I could handle one here and there, and now here i am once again taking tons of pills all day,everyday..I've looked everywhere on the internet and cant find it....also has anyone ever taken it before? I have heard good things about it....when i get clean again,this time im going to meetings...I hope everyone is doing and huggs to you all..casey

welcome, i am a michigander too, you will wanna look for redd, she detoxed with sub, she has numbers for you to try. wht area are you in, i m in north west oakland county. redd is in mocomb county. she w9ll be by soon for more info. just hang in there.


There's a physician locator link provided on that web page.
thanks for the info...I found many numbers,Im going to call tomorrow. Im in Monroe,Michigan. Im at my neighbors because my internet is not working,but soon I will be back on line. Im going to come back to this site for support.I will check back in as soon as I to you all casey