Anyone Understand Computers And Setting Web Sites

What does this have to do with recovery-----In MY HUMBLE ARROGANT OPINION - A LOT.

Learning, and creating, and living and loving, to me-those are the antithisis of addiction. I;ve been unsuccesfully trying to get some web sites started and I keep bumping into all kinds of walls.

I've probably got about 6 google blog sites partially started over the years and often i cant find them. SO HOW ON EARTH CAN ANYONE.

BUT i HAVE some real basic stuff and maybe (at least to me) technical stuff.

If anyone knows, and has the kindness to help out a semi-moron (who really can learn things quick once sense is made of them) please let me know.

ON THE SAME NOTE, I used to teach and tutor writing to all levels of people. From those going for their GED, to College students. A long time ago I was a certified secondary English teacher (even though my spelling sucks.). I'm pretty good at helping people help themselves learn. Many surprise themselves at how good they get.

So, for what it's worth, my services are available (dont get exited ladies, I'm not talking sex here) to you and yours.

To me, it is a blessing to help others. It is a part of my recovery and a part of life.
What do you want to do...

If you just want a simple blog there are so many places out there you can start your own page at....then from there if you want text boxes, music, pictures, slide shows, different layouts there are a bunch of other sites that will come in to aid if the original site doesn't offer it and will give fairly simple instructions on the how to.

You can go here formerly freeweb from what I hear is fairly easy and free although I never used it...pretty self contained with pictures, blogs, templates, and other neat things all right there for one to add to their page.

Then there is the social stuff, twitter, face book....
Ning seems interesting you can check that out as well. They give so much for free as far as bandwidth and space, you can opt to pay for more.

Thanks, Ill check them out. Ive tried opening a couple on google, but it is very confusing. I think I have some ideas, but to get what i want from my head to the cocmputer is difficult.

I wonder if there is like an inexpensive program you can buy. I think then I have to rent space or something.

What i dont know is how anyone finds u, or how to get listed inseach engines.
Yes there are web builder programs, some computers themselves have the programs already in, although I am not into this to much.

Everything is on the web though, all you have to do is search it out in question form like how do I set up a web page, how do I add music to my blog...

Now as far as how you are found...
Well you can put a link to it in your signature line here, link in your email signature line, direct link out at anyplace you may be involved on the net as far as gaming if you do that, other forums most have little about me sections where you could add the link to your page....some sites offer an email search and then will email out telling those that you also have a "whatever it is set up' and then show how to find you.

Oh and as an after thought to be listed on a search engine, well bet you can goggle that as well to see what options are out there...

Have fun!