Arc Eye

No Eck not a jibe at you in ach work the last week with arc eye which ye get from welding but poking yer head out from yer welding mask whilst get a mad burning sense in yer eyes ....a pure terror in the morning....eye drops by the bucket full....but theres the chance i may have damaged my vision.Got a app.with the eye man hopefully all will be well.All i wanted to do all week was get a few bags and have a pity party all of my own ....idle hands and all that im lucky i got this job coz if i had a stretch of no work i know id be back at it no end.Thats my moan over .....take it handy all.............Davey
you don't need that s*** in your life again and you know that, don't need me to say it.. you're a lucky guy, you've a beautiful daughter who no doubt thinks the world of you.. hope you're eyes get better soon... use the drops by the bucket full and don't waste your time thinking of that othe crap.. it's a bloody nightmare that you're so lucky to be out of... wish I was at your stage, really do... I will be one day, but one things for sure, I'll never catch you up...

keep good...
do u no mean a didnae c the fitba 2nite so f***in proud of them,,no piss take intended davey;hope yer eye gets better,heard of that m8,what were u thinkin?thats what the masks r for.
OUCH..Davey..thats gotta hurt...Hope it heals well...dont go down the rabbit hole ...your daughter is lookin up at tough Davey...Im thinking bout ya !!
Thanks Arrie,Eck&Con....boy do my eyes hurt.....went to the optiction just now he told me i may have a scatched cornea but have to see lol an eye specialist next see if ive done any lasting damage to my sight.Eck i know i broke one of the golden rules when welding i.e never remove yer mask while the welder is lighting....but silly bollocks here just had to have a peek at a rather difficult part you only have to peek for a few seconds and the damage is done.I know scoring would not be the answer just the ing pain is real bad feel like scrathing my eyes out if ya get me.Thats me off work for another week so il have to do sumthin with my time before Sian gets back from skool or i will go mad......cant even watch the t.v or stay at the p.c for long as i have to rest my eyes.....i thought id seen shot eyes before but man are mine bad....loads os eye drops and cream for around the eyes.....o.k thats my moan over with.Thanks again...........Davey
Davey...cant help ya with the pain part...but maybe you could put on some music and close your eyes...??...or maybe thats too much of a head you have a garden to sit in ? Can go outside ? Your little one will be home soon and then you will have PLENTY to do...Aw Davey...Im sorry Im not much of a help...
Con thats perfectly o.k just yer response makes life that much better.....thats one of the things i cant do properly at the in close my eyes for more than a few minutes as they kinda seize up the lids and i have to get copius amounts of optrex on my eyes pronto.Thanks for yer support ....hows yer Friday in Germany doin hope the creepos at work are leaving you alone.Chat soon and again good look on Monday..............Davey
don't know if it would help but if you had an eye spray that you could use periodically.. just when they get scratchy or dry give them a spray.. hate to think of ya like this, just not fair.. hope you're feeling better sooner than you know it..

don't do too much..

Alrite Arrie ....200mls should be enuff to let ya detox yerself....start with 50ml....then go down 10ml.each day.....for the first few days then with yer last bit go down 5ml.a day and it should bring ya thru.......gotta of luck and i really meant.........DAVEY
My man's injured..............what...............Davey I'm so sorry.............see, I told ya welders were sexy as all s*it...............and this is why...............the danger.

Davey, your screwing around with your eyes...........scratched cornea's are no joke.......................don't be putting nothing in them or anything until you see a specialist...............lil known fact...........well I think I never mentioned it................maybe I did...........I ued to work for people that made artificial eyes....................ocular prosthetics............and the way people have lost their eyes it's just shocking.........they can help with a scratched cornea, but you can't mess with it.

I'm sorry dear one...............week off...................MEDITATE............."OM, OM, OM" it's the universal vibration...................then help out your mom and well do anything except score........................that's all ya need with a scratched cornea.

Feel better.............I hope ya can.............I heard that hurts like a MOFO.
Thanks Bryn yep they hurt like a i said it was my own fault didnt get much sympathy at work either just yer typical male Irish chorus of you silly twat!!!!!
Am walking round with sunglasses on ....luckily its sunny here so ive got a valid excuse......otherwise....yep you silly twat.
Busy cleaning up after one of Sians sleepovers can 8yr.olds create a mess.Working with false eyes must have been weird.....i wouldve squeezed them into my sockets just for a cheap laugh,you know to look all frankenstein.
Anyhow thanks for the kind words and yer right the danger of welding is a real turn
oh no...thats awfull, and its gotta be tempting...but your tough....Ill bet them girls tok advantage of Sians injured dad LOL

thats what is the sexiest I think--the man who actually takes care of his child!!! its really really awesome (almost said sweet--but I wont) the relationship you have with her!!!! U DA Man!!

I guess me and Bryn will have to fight over you, sadly I think Bryn would win, I'd have to be the mistress on the side :)
Amity now you know you'd have to be MY mistress...........and no I ain't sharing Beck got his heart as well.

Davey, ya got women folk fighting over ya.

Sunglasses are sexy cool.............but underneath them I'm so sorry........I hope they heal before ya even have to go to a specialist............and you are no silly twat...................and the Irish got no sympathy?...............LOL.....I thought that was the German' my dad used to be "Rub it up and move it, vamose".............LOL.............ya could have got a concussion.........of which I had quite a few and he'd be like "Rub it up and you'll be fine"........Oh-Kay.

Sleepovers and 8 year old girls.............good Lord you're a right Saint........I'da been yelling "Knock it off and can it"..........LOL............naw that's the bestest.

Davey, ya couldn't put the ocular prosthetics in your eyes cause they're's neat how they even put veins in them like a real eye........however I can admit I took a few and a friend of mine turned one into a ring........and put another on a belt buckle..........empty sockets are not's an amazing art though...............but you won't be needing that EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feel better and stay chill while you are on down time.
doin alrite wi the ladies davey-boy,good luck to ya,if it wasnt for bad luck i,d have no luck.
Yepper Eck my mate the girls over the water like me lol?????
Amity sweet does me,Bryns my girl though although shes got some competition with Becks who i see aint about too much ....gotta mail that great lady.Dont get jealous now Eck you got Con although i cant see that relationship doing to well if ya get my drift.Love abounds........Davey
Oh THAT was a zing !! ...awwww Eck...well...what can I say...tis true ...but I'm a hella of friend at your side !!! LOL
Just trying to keep Eckie from falling apart lol.....sorry for the slight sure ya dont are ya in the scheme of,relationship, get my drift..........its sunny here ....jesus how drole ima talking wheather forgive soonish
droll is VERY sexy Davey...thats why you got all the girls !!
Even if im semi illitarate and cant spell the word droll like troll......Davey
:) I sure love each and every one of special in so many different wayz...happy sigh....I am a glutton for kindness and those warm fuzzies you all send to me and each others--isnt it grand--connecting with another human being--ok you canmake fun of me now--i can take it :)