
So how you feeling this morning............I hope better.
No post from the hubby, he asked me to pass on a message........He said he hopes you feel better and to know you are not alone, he is sick now too.......
He was in bed by 8 last night.....
Well find some sunshine today, and love, well you gots lots of that....but no giving out kisses, keep them germs to yourself!
Love yah,
morning tina
i am better it wasn't strep i don't guess. i am still a little weak but the fever is gone and my throat ain't as bad i guess it was just one of those bugs. i have not heard about the job yet. i will probably hear tomorrow they said it would probably be about 5-7 days for the background check and the drug test to get back so i dunno yet. i know if everything comes back o.k. that i at least have a floor associate job but i am really sweating the dept. head job. i believe it will come though. my God hasn't let me down yet and by the way things happened it looks like He was lining everything up. i just would Love for Him to show off through me like that.
i am sorry big R is sick tell him i know how he feels. how is he doing with the sub. i pray for you guys alot tell him to just grab the coat tails of the Master and hang on for the ride. well i guess i better go for now
see ya in the post

p.s. i'll let ya know as soon as i hear, i am really pumped but today am kinda feeling still sick but am better
Hi Johnny, good luck with the job. Hope you and Bad feel better, I just saw that you too weren't feeling well. Mornin' Misty, hope your doing well today.

Johnny, something I've learned to try and not do is to set expectations on anything. This way if things don't quite turn out like I normally would expect them too, it's not a let down. Do what you can do then turn it over, what ever happens is meant to be. To set expectations on something or someone is a set up for dissapointment. Good luck to you..

Take care.....................................God bless.....................................Bob
Hi Johnny I just wanted to pop in & say I am thinking of you always & I know youll get that job.Im sorry your not feeling that great & wish I could help somehow.Anyways even if we dont talk much I do think of you often you seem like such a sweet giving man(rare)I feel close to you for some reason.It may be Gods love reaching us both huh?Luv your sis mj
Glad to hear that you are feeling better and pumped today!
Sure the hubby will be happy to hear this also......
He is doing well, he left me note this morning, cause he was up way before I needed to be.......It said "I found me, now I just gotta get all the cars back on track" Well that made my day, guess I am to easy to please at times........He is taking it one day at a time and just enjoying things......I am doing the same.....You know I wrote yesterday about a totally different topic but I am going to share some of it with you, about how I feel about some things and what goes on in my life, the situations faced......Maybe you can find something in it for you........

In all this I see life, again not always
mine but those I care about...I do believe that God doesn't give us more
than we can handle.....I wonder about him piling it all on at one
time.....but there are reasons for everything, what we see, what we feel,
what happens each day to us and those we hold close to our hearts......In
all of this we do the best we can for ourselves and doesn't
make us a bad person if we can't do everything, it just shows us we are
human......That we have limits and I have to wonder if those limits are
there for a reason specifically.....If it is in some way to get us to see
that we can't be perfect all the time, there is just no way.....But that we
need to understand that and know that if whatever situation we are in if we do the best we can we must accept ourself as human be able to live without

You take care...sending out love,
Sorry Bob didn't want to dis you....takes forever to post at times didn't see you, with the kids.....I am doing wonderful......hope you are the same........
thanks tina that was wonderful your such a beautiful person. i don't know if i could make this without you and ba

bob, well thank you for your insight, because i do tend to get my expectations up sometimes just to be let down alot of those times. thanks for keeping me in-line

mj, well what do i say about you except i love you. you are the epitome of a caring person and God will reward that one day i do believe. keep caring it suits you

i Love all on this board because He first Loved me

thanks to you all