Back Out

It's great to see you old-timers here and so proud of those of you I don't know yet for your process of recovery or even just your interest in hanging around here just to see what's going on and explore your questions about drinking and perhaps exploring sobriety.

I'm not a very good example, or maybe the very BEST example; but after 7 years, I went back out about 4 years ago. (There's a much longer story, but I don't feel like typing it all right now.)

It was OK for a while, but for the last year, I've really been going downhill.
Welcome back Yogi. Hope you will choose to be a survivor rather than a victim. Life is short but it is also a gift. I hope you choose to live it the way it was intended. You can do it!
Yogi- Im sad to read this. But of course you know I understand precisely where youre coming from. We all do. Im grateful to have been one of your pen pals on here for so many years. You have been so helpful in my journey into sobriety.

I hope you find some hope and desperation today. Thinking about you.
Thank you for your research, Yogi. I have NEVER heard someone come back into recovery and say, "Aww, that was EFFING AWESOME!!! You should throw away your life like I did--it's absolutely worth all the humiliation, shame, and suicidal thoughts!"

The only people I've known to be successful are those who approached this disease from the Spiritual angle... Just sayin... ;)