
wasnt going to post,,something really sad, nephew,killed himself,he was gay.please pray for him,they found him in the barn hanging from the stall boader.cant talk,overwelmed.seems like hard thinga are happing to me,love poopie
I'm so sorry, heartfelt sympathies to you and to his grieving family.

Love and comfort ~ MomNMore
When you're ready to talk, we'll be here Poopie..I love you.
well, I seem to be better today,very mad sad ,the commuity said ,,,he sinned...........long story.I loved him ,he came to me,,,,but no aveil ,,he felt the wrath of god,and the sin ,he endured,,I loved him no matter what,,but the community did not ...he was put out,cant tell rite now,,will never tell..just cant ..but he is gone ,,and no more pain,,hes family is ok ,with that..hard to tell,,again,,long story.but thankyou sweeties.I will be ok.he know I loved him.for what he was.sad,love to you all.poopie,they will not bury on the land.sad
I remember you posting about him last spring (?) saying he had 'come out' as gay to you and you were afraid how this would be received by others in the community. You were there for him, gave him love and acceptance...take comfort in that, in his knowing that you loved him just as he was.

Peace ~ M&M
I remember you talking about him coming to you and telling you. it just breaks my heart that his life ended so tragically and how he must have felt that this course of action was his only option. My heart goes out to you, poopie. I will keep you in my prayers!
So sorry for your loss Poopie. I think the community should be supportive and caring in a time like this. Stay close to the ones who love and support you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
From what I've read about your community, isn't it that once a person admits their sin, they are placed under the banns and then welcomed back? Is it different for your group?

Doesn't matter now, I know and I'm so sorry for your pain my sweet girl.

I'm hugging you...