Betsy, Paula, Frank And Co.

Hey! I know ya'll are on here somewhere hiding, come out and talk to me. I just got home and see you've all been chatting away!
Well, it's ABOUT TIME young lady! I'm so glad you're on!
Hi Carol and Betsy how are you doing tonight? Yes I have been on here hiding and just reading

Hey! I didn't want to stalk ya'll, so I figured this was the best way to find you.
How was your week? TGIF!
We just got home from the mall, and the best dinner I have had in ages. Italian.

What's up with you? I saw your schedule for tonight. I am jealous. Wish i could have an evening home alone some time! LOL

Hey Paula, love your new avavtar! How was your day? Off for the weekend now?
Thanks Carol I love your new one also, but I miss you old one. Nope have to work tommorow have 5 trailers to do but doubt I will get them all done probably 2 tommorow and the rest Tuesday. Sunday I have to dog sit and will clean while I am there... No Rest for the Weary ..LOL
Carol did you read the thread and the post from Frank? We are all just about dying teasing him about the batteries in his keyboard. Of course it's all in good fun and done with love.

But it's pretty funny!
Paula, I hope you have fun dog-sitting! Bring treats!
LOL, I feel so stupid, when I read it I picked up my keyboard to look and see if it had batteries. LOL didn't think so, but there is much I don't know about computers, too.!

Did you read the one from Roger? I had to go and talk to Shabee because I felt bad about what Roger said,


I have been busy working on my avatar but my brain is starting to hurt so i'm going to give it a rest. How you been ??

I know you guys are laughing with me. Not at me right ???

thank Betsy is that your dog? Sure is cute, I have 5 of my own
Hey Frank what happened to your other avatar?

Was wondering where you were Carol.
Yep, that's Casper! I also have Veda who looks like Casper except brown. If I won a million dollars I would buy a farm and adopt abused and abandoned dogs, and hire people just to come and play with them and love them!
Frank, you are just as cute as can be! Of course we're laughing with you!

Frank, that's right, with you, not at you! Did you find an avatar? Are you just having probs getting it loaded?

Try this........

Right click on the picture
click on Properites
In the box that comes up, highlight the URL
Come to the board and click on FSguy
Click on Avatar
At the bottom of the page, put a check in the box which says somthing about bringing one in from another web site
Erase the URL which is in the URL box
' Paste your Copied URL into that box.

How simple is that?
Betsy I love dogs too I have 2 rat terriers, a jack russel, a poodle and cocker/collie mix.. They are my babies.

Sorry Paula,,,,,,,sometimes I do feel like a bad addict when I don't talk to new people or those in need. But our talks are theraputic, too, huh? I might be swallowing pills if we weren' t chatting right now! OK, not really.

How is your w/d going Paula? How long has it been since you had a pill?
(Let';s talk about recovery to make us feel better.)
I took one today I told myself all day not to but did anyway, I have to stop doing this I justify it by say hey it is only one a day but I know it is not right. and you know I wonder if taking them will run up my blood pressure? Yes I know I felt bad also, but I dont know what to say to people I feel like I have no right to talk to someone since I cant seem to stop myself
Thanks for the laffs, everyone! I gotta go take some medicine (legitimate, over the counter cold medicine) cause I've had a cough & cold all week. Gonna hit the hay, but I'll be back bright and early tomorrow!!!!!!!

Vaya con Dios!
bye Betsy have a great night