Sorry...I meant to write BEWARE OF MAN MINS
Hello everyone:
I do not know if people are aware of the Federal and State laws relating to possession of a Controlled Substance.
Mandatory Minimums exist at the Fed & State level. If you are caught with pills that you do not have an RX for, you will be charged with a Felony...even if you have a very small amount.
You see, they do not simply charge you with Possession, you will be charged with DRUG TRAFFICKING based on the WEIGHT of the drug...REGARDLESS if you ever sold a pill to anyone!!
I know it sounds insane. I did not believe it when I first found out how the system works. Someone very close to me was arrested for DRUG TRAFFICKING for having 50 10mg Percs...the total weight of 50 10mg Percs is about 44 grams. Per my state's law, if you possess more than 5 grams of oxycodone, you are charged with DRUG TRAFFICKING. (Keep in mind that 6 tablets weighs over 5 grams.)
You will never guess what the Man Min in my state is for having more than 28 grams of oxycodone!!! 25 years in Prison!!! For having 50 lousy pills!
Man Min means just that: The Judge does not have discretion in the matter. If you are found guilty of having over 28 go to Prison for 25 years...regardless if you never sold drugs...regardless if you have no prior criminal record.
Now, the Prosecutor in the case may offer a Plea Bargain, but what if he offers 5 Years in Prison? That is still too much time to go to Prison for having 50 pills that were for your personal use.
The IRONY of the above situation is this: The Perc tablets weigh almost a Gram per tablet. 99% of the tablet's weight is TYLENOL! Only 10mg of the tablet is the 50 pills x 10mg = 500 mg...which is less than 1/2 of a gram. But state and federal law does not look at it that way. You are charged based on the weight of the entire pill!!!
For more on the topic of MAN MINS for non-violent drug offenses, see this link:
The purpose of me posting the above info is this:
Never leave you house with pills on your person if you do not have an RX for the pills you are taking. If you come in contact with Police for any reason, you could be arrested, charged with Trafficking (based on weight alone) and face a STIFF MAN MIN. You never know when you could be pulled over for speeding, red light, etc.
Hopefully this information will prevent heartache for many people out there.
Happy New Year and Happy New YOU!!
Thanks for the info, it was very interesting.
Glad I never got caught when I was selling my meds to get cocaine. Glad I no longer have to do that.
Glad I never got caught when I was selling my meds to get cocaine. Glad I no longer have to do that.