Brand New/plz Respond

Hello everyone! I just stumbled across this site as I'm searching for help with my addiction. My Lord-that is the 1st time I've ever used the word addict. I know I am not alone or special. We all have a story. I'm afraid mine is quite sad and I'm still struggling. I began using pain meds 7 years ago for endometriosis (extremely painful periods and adhesions). Well, I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago, so that took care of that. Then I was in an accident about 4 years ago and suffered trama to my jaw. I now have severe TMJ that causes extreme pain to the side of my face, my ear, and my head. Some days it feels like I've been shot thru the head. I've done everything I can for this disorder-oral surgeons, specialists, had 5 splints built...I even had a dentist talk me into getting veneers on my teeth. This is how most Hollywood types have such perfect teeth. It's basically grinding your own teeth down, then placing realistic veneers over the top. They are beautiful, but they cost me $24,000--insurance covering nothing because they consider it cosmetic. Guess what? No relief for the TMJ. So, I've had to live on pain pills to get thru the day. I'm currently at an un-Godly level. I am going to get my life back. So many terrible things have happened to me as a result of these little pills. To top it off, I'm a business professional and was just picked for a ua today after work. I have a valid script, but I'm so worried they will be able to tell that I take way over the scripted amount. Does anyone know anything about this? I just started group therapy last night (a huge step for me). I'm going to NA beginning this week, too. I am motivated to stop this madness. I can't tell you what it feels like to accidentially come across this site and find soul sisters and brothers who are just like me. I want to be the old me--the one whose first thought in the morning wasn't "how can I get to my pills without hubby noticing?" I implore you--if you are at a level of like 5-10 a day, stop! STOP! It will go nowhere but downhill. The addiction G-RO-W-S! Pretty soon it's 5-8 at a time. I am now in a position where I can't go ct or even taper. I've tried and am ashamed, but I can not do it. I have been researching Subox, but there is no doctor in my area (and I live in a fairly good-sized city). The closest sub doc is 300 miles away, so that is not going to work, as I'm sure they're all booked out at 30 patients. I have 3 things to ask of you, my fellow friends: 1) What do you know about these ua tests? I know it's a 10 pannel screen and they send positives to the lab. Will they know I'm using more than perscribed? What should I do--I'm really scared?! 2) If not subox, then what? Can anyone lend me their experience? 3) I look forward to touching bases with you. I feel like I've found a home. Believe me, right now I'm very scared, but know I have to change my life. Your responses would be so encouraging.
Welcome to the board. There are many great people here that will offer you support. What narcotics are you currently taking and how much? You are taking all the steps necessary to start your recovery.I saw you mention methadone in another post. I would not get started on that if at all possible. You will have a hell of time getting off it and it will be a painful withdrawl. Best of luck, Rae
What state are you in that doesn't offer suboxone?
I currently take Norco (hydros) 10/325s. I take A LOT every single day. I also take percocets several times a month. Thanks for the welcome.
What state are you in that doesn't offer suboxone. I would say that would be much better for your situation.. Rae
I live in Washington. The closest doc is 300 miles from my city. We've had several write-ups in the paper about how crazy it is that none of our docs prescribe! They haven't taken the short class that allows the doc to script the subox. Am I screwed? Any other advise?
Is driving 3 hundred miles out of the question?
Well to group hell and recovery. Stick with the board. Sometime when I am trying not to take extra doses I will come to the board and check on everyone.

No they will not know you are taking more than prescp. amount only that is in your blood stream. Be sure not to aleart the pharmist, he will bust u. Remember you fill dates, only one day early. Trust me I know. Got busted once but now trying to make them last.

We are sometime up and other days we will need u.

So hang in there.
What do you mean the pharmacist will bust me? Do you mean if I'm trying to refill early? How do you know about the ua? I was told that they use a 10 panel screen, then send positives to the lab. Wouldn't the lab determine the amount in the screen? Or maybe they just verify that it's actually the drug that the script is written for (and not some other narc?). Please clarify. I really appreciate your response!!
I don't kow much about it but I doubt they will know exactly how much is in your system. Keep drinking water water water til you pee in your pants.LOL You should be fine. Rae
Hi Julz;

Have you looked into rapid detox under general anisthesia (sp), if you have the ability to afford $24,000.00 on veneers, the amount it costs to detox while sleeping should be a piece of cake. If you google this option you should find a number of places in the country. I know there is a place in cal, and in georgia. I don't know which washington you were refering to.

As an ins company allows refilling a rx five days in advance. If you have a valid script you should not have anything to worry about with testing.


ps everyone metabolizes at a different rate, the time of the dose will also effect testing....etc. I doubt they will do anything but make you re-test if an abberent test shows, then you can cut down on the dose before testing as much as is possible
I have heard lots of bad stories about assisted detox/UROD. For every 10 bad maybe 2 good. I think the key is to find a reputable doctor. Please research that a lot if that is what you are going to do.
Can you elaborate on the "bad stories".........I have heard nothing but positive results, the fees I've seen range from $5,000.00 to $15,000.00 (beverly hills area)
Yes they just verify the medication not the amount. The pharmist if he sees you regularly trying to fill med early sometime they will alert your doc. Or if u have scrips from more than one doc. So mine called my doctor then I had 2 fess up on my next visit. Not saying this to scare you, just a beware sign.

Talk soon Kyra
I would not do the rapid detox. I've been researching for a couple of months and I've come across too many horror stories. It seems like subox would work best for me. I just need to find someone near by.
Hi Julz;

It sounds to me like you need to reach out to a medical professional - perhaps an addiction and/or pain managment specialist - who can work with you to develop a plan to get off the drugs. It sounds like you have legitimate pain issues, and that's why you may want to go see a professional There are non-narcotoc pain meds that can be prescribed, but we are all different.

Going to an NA meeting IMO is also a good choice. Just listen, and during the break start to talk to others. Share your story and let people who've walked in your shoes offer advice and support.

Stay focused on the short-term goals, and the long-term results will be there. If your company has an EAP I would suggest using that too.

Good luck;
Thanks for the thoughts. I'm doing the NA and IOP. I do have legit pain needs, and I've tried everything non-narcotic with no avail. I'm sure I'll have to adjust to living in some form of pain and that's ok. I do need to get off the meds for so many reasons.

I'm scared to death about the ua I have to do today. Does anyone know anything about the 10 panel screen. I know they send to a lab if a test is positive, so mine will be going to the lab. Will they be able to tell the amt of hydro usage?

No hun just that it is there. No amount shows I have had them before. Calm down about that. U will b fine.

Think serinity and peace about this. U r not going to help being real upset.

Love ya, Kyra